This IBM Selectric II was only $20 at a thrift store, what was I supposed to do, abandon it?!
Anyway, it powers on but is hella noisy and doesn't quite work.
I figure I'll spend some time debugging, and if I fail it's a lovely paperweight until I save up the cash to bring it to my pals at Berkeley Typewriter. I've never owned an electric typewriter myself (all of mine are manual, intentionally) so this will be be a unique adventure. #typewriter #IBMSelectric
Keebin’ with Kristina: the One With the Music Typewriter #Keatonmusictypewriter #PeripheralsHacks #musictypewriter #Kailhboxwhites #IBMSelectric #Featured #Interest #typeball #ModelM #fr4
#keatonmusictypewriter #PeripheralsHacks #musictypewriter #kailhboxwhites #ibmselectric #Featured #Interest #typeball #modelm #fr4
Keebin’ with Kristina: the One With the Music Typewriter - This edition’s community build comes from the Yes They Could, But Should They Have... - #keatonmusictypewriter #peripheralshacks #musictypewriter #kailhboxwhites #ibmselectric #featured #interest #typeball #modelm #fr4
#fr4 #modelm #typeball #interest #featured #ibmselectric #kailhboxwhites #musictypewriter #peripheralshacks #keatonmusictypewriter
Wow…I could never type faster than 80 wpm…amazing. #ibm #ibmselectric #typing #speedy #goodolddays
#ibm #ibmselectric #typing #speedy #goodolddays