A complete Ibn Abi Usaibia "History of Medicine" now online in Arabic and English
Something that passed me by, and which I only became aware of today, is that in 2020 a modern scholarly text and translation appeared of Ibn Abi Usaibia's History of Medicine, from Brill. The author - often known in online forums as IAU - wrote in the...
Un estranger ens recorda les arrels. Impressionant Jason Webster.
Valencia was at the centre of what was known as sharq al-andalus. No one really talks about the Moorish heritage in Valencia, but it was here all the time, right underneath our feet.
#València #Xàtiva #Albufera #Manises #Balansiya #Xarq #AlAndalus #Ibn Hazm #Arrels #Història #Patrimoni #Gastronomia #Música #Morisc #Mudèjar
#valencia #xativa #albufera #manises #balansiya #xarq #alandalus #ibn #Arrels #historia #patrimoni #gastronomia #musica #morisc #mudejar