在对照着整理 #微信读书 和 #iBook 这两个阅读软件里读书划线的时候,发现「微信读书」上的最后十三段是缩减版,而我后期读书用的软件又正好是 「微信读书」😅 会出现缩减的具体历史原因如下:
> 《四世同堂》 第三部的最后 13 段,由于历史原因,并未出版,后被毁。中文版仅剩 87 段。1983 年,人民文学出版社从《四世同堂》英文节译版翻译了最后 13 段,这样才凑齐了 100 段。2014 年,上海译文出版社副社长赵武平无意中在哈佛大学施莱辛格图书馆发现《四世同堂》英译全稿,上面保留了老舍修改手迹、示意图、译名表等内容。赵武平对百页材料进行分析、研究,终于完成《四世同堂》的完整中文回译工作。
所以,我现在打算使用 iBook 重读最后的13段内容了 😮💨
Hoy en su momento Ghost in the Shell del día.
entre las fotos viejas de por ahí de 2007 me encuentro con la iBook con el mismo wallpaper de toda la vida.
El de Stand Alone Complex de Brent Ashe para el concurso de Production IG.
#ghostintheshell #gits #ibook #powerpc #retrocomputing
Mira @bacteriano me tuve que ir a buscar la foto de mi punto más más mac'ero en la vida.
La iMac G5 de 20" con la iBook G3 de 12".
Nunca tomé fotos de la Mac Mini G4 porque pues, estaba medio pinche y tenía un monitor LG de 19 pulgadas también pinchón.
Luego de eso me regresé a Windows con la llegada de Windows 7.
#ibook #imac #powerpc #retrocomputing
Hace poquito que estaba viendo fotos viejas para enseñarle a Alex que sí fui a la escuela me encontré las de mi vieja iBook cuando le cambié el CDRW por un DVD-CD.RW
Creo que es de 2007 y use una guía de ifixit
¡Buenos tiempos!
New EU regulations mandate user-replaceable batteries in Apple products
#Apple #Apple_Inc #iPhone #iPad #iPod_touch #iPod_nano #Apple_TV #iPod_shuffle #iphone_6 #iphone_6s #ios_9 #ios9 #iTunes #imac #mac_os_x #mac_osx #Apple_Computer #Apple_Computer_Inc #Mac_OS_X #iMac #iBook #Mac_Pro #MacBook_Pro #Magic_Pad #Magic_Mouse #iPod_classic #App_Store #iTunes_Store #iBook_Store #mac_book #Microsoft #Adobe #Research_in_Motion #RIM #Nokia #Samsung #Google #Nvidia #Intel
#apple #apple_inc #iphone #ipad #ipod_touch #ipod_nano #apple_tv #ipod_shuffle #iphone_6 #iphone_6s #ios_9 #ios9 #itunes #imac #mac_os_x #mac_osx #apple_computer #apple_computer_inc #ibook #mac_pro #macbook_pro #magic_pad #magic_mouse #ipod_classic #app_store #itunes_store #ibook_store #mac_book #microsoft #adobe #research_in_motion #rim #nokia #samsung #google #nvidia #intel
Apple Vision Pro may have VR Apple TV+ content at launch
#Apple #Apple_Inc #iPhone #iPad #iPod_touch #iPod_nano #Apple_TV #iPod_shuffle #iphone_6 #iphone_6s #ios_9 #ios9 #iTunes #imac #mac_os_x #mac_osx #Apple_Computer #Apple_Computer_Inc #Mac_OS_X #iMac #iBook #Mac_Pro #MacBook_Pro #Magic_Pad #Magic_Mouse #iPod_classic #App_Store #iTunes_Store #iBook_Store #mac_book #Microsoft #Adobe #Research_in_Motion #RIM #Nokia #Samsung #Google #Nvidia #Intel
#apple #apple_inc #iphone #ipad #ipod_touch #ipod_nano #apple_tv #ipod_shuffle #iphone_6 #iphone_6s #ios_9 #ios9 #itunes #imac #mac_os_x #mac_osx #apple_computer #apple_computer_inc #ibook #mac_pro #macbook_pro #magic_pad #magic_mouse #ipod_classic #app_store #itunes_store #ibook_store #mac_book #microsoft #adobe #research_in_motion #rim #nokia #samsung #google #nvidia #intel
Japan pushes for Apple and Google to allow sideloading
#Apple #Apple_Inc #iPhone #iPad #iPod_touch #iPod_nano #Apple_TV #iPod_shuffle #iphone_6 #iphone_6s #ios_9 #ios9 #iTunes #imac #mac_os_x #mac_osx #Apple_Computer #Apple_Computer_Inc #Mac_OS_X #iMac #iBook #Mac_Pro #MacBook_Pro #Magic_Pad #Magic_Mouse #iPod_classic #App_Store #iTunes_Store #iBook_Store #mac_book #Microsoft #Adobe #Research_in_Motion #RIM #Nokia #Samsung #Google #Nvidia #Intel
#apple #apple_inc #iphone #ipad #ipod_touch #ipod_nano #apple_tv #ipod_shuffle #iphone_6 #iphone_6s #ios_9 #ios9 #itunes #imac #mac_os_x #mac_osx #apple_computer #apple_computer_inc #ibook #mac_pro #macbook_pro #magic_pad #magic_mouse #ipod_classic #app_store #itunes_store #ibook_store #mac_book #microsoft #adobe #research_in_motion #rim #nokia #samsung #google #nvidia #intel
HOT OFF THE PRESS: Apple shocks the tech world with the announcement of the iBook G5, a scorching new addition to their lineup. Apple enthusiasts were all fired up when news of the iBook G5 hit the headlines.
While Apple may have unintentionally overlooked a few features and used the latest G5 chips that are too hot for a laptop, the iBook G5 is certainly making waves in the tech community. Who knew a flaming hot laptop could ignite such passion?
#ibookg5 #apple #g5 #ibook #laptop #fire
iBook G3 (550mhz overclocked) serving as a Firewire target disk for my new acquisition, a Pismo Powerbook upgraded to a G4 by @dosdude1. I picked it up in trade for my Powercenter Pro G3. Love this little thing, Very pleased with it.
#overclocking #g4 #g3 #ibook #pismo #powerbook #macmods
It's not that I need more toys to distract from my productivity, but I needed to get this idea out of my head. #iBook G3, the perfect #gaming machine for classics like simcity, lemmings and so many others. At the same time, a great typewriter without the temptation to look something up online. But it's not final yet, I won't rest until I find the version with a 900mhz processor and put an ssd in it.
#VintageApple #vintageComputing #Retrocomputing #apple #macintosh #videogame
#ibook #gaming #vintageapple #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #apple #macintosh #videogame
Got another new toy! Took a couple more weeks to find a power supply for not stupid money, but it boots right up! Rocking #MacOSX #Leopard, and MacOS 9.2 in both Classic and booting natively. #Apple #iBook #VintageComputing
#macosx #leopard #apple #ibook #vintagecomputing
Vor 25 Jahren: Aus für den Newton und iBooks am Horizont
Der Apple-Blogger Stephen Hackett erinnert an ein legendäres, aber gescheitertes Produkt aus alten Apple-Tagen. Vor 25 Jahren hat Apple seinen Handheld-Computer Newton offiziell eingestellt. Am 27. Februar 1998 hat Apple mit der eher unspektakulären Überschrift „Apple Computer stellt die Entwicklung des Newton Betriebssystems ein“ über das Aus für seinen ersten Handheld-Computer informiert. Damit verbunden wurde […]
#News #Apple #ibook #macos #newton
Who needs all the fancy new stuff?
#iBook #powePC #mightyMouse #aoe3
#aoe3 #mightymouse #powepc #ibook
By the way, if anyone in the US wants to trade this or my Powercenter pro for a Pismo Powerbook, Hit me up.
Both if you have a really good example with extras.
#powerbook #pismo #G3 #ibook #classic_macs #trades #swap #hardware_swap
#hardware_swap #swap #trades #classic_macs #ibook #g3 #pismo #powerbook
just got macstodon setup. bit annoying with the ssl stuff but hey it works!
I thought maybe it had image support but i guess not. Dunno where i got that from
Posted from Macstodon 0.4.3 PPC on my iBook G3
Awww its snoozing