@hanse_mina #Musk isn’t the only well-known uber-wealthy #US #Capitalist helping to sustain the #imperial permanent war complex!
Jeff #Bezos’ “#Amazon Is Investing in #AI-Assisted #Apartheid in #Palestine: Since 2014, Amazon has been pouring $billions into #Israel, contributing to illegal settlement programs and the relentless #surveillance of #Palestinians. Israel’s dystopian end goal: to compile biometric profiles and security ratings for every resident of the West Bank.”
via Ahmad #Ibsais in @jacobinbot
#musk #us #capitalist #imperial #bezos #amazon #ai #apartheid #palestine #israel #surveillance #palestinians #ibsais
This is utterly unconscionable! #Amazon is helping #Israel to strengthen its #Apartheid “boot” on #Palestinian necks with its #AI technologies! Those deadly technologies will be tried & tested on Palestinians & then sold to tyrants elsewhere to oppress their populations!
“Amazon Is Investing in AI-Assisted Apartheid in #Palestine: Since 2014, Amazon has been pouring billions into Israel, contributing to illegal settlement programs and the relentless #surveillance of #Palestinians. Israel’s dystopian end goal: to compile #biometric profiles and security ratings for every resident of the #WestBank.”
via Ahmad #Ibsais in @jacobinbot
#Israel #Apartheid #ApartheidIsrael #Palestine #Oppression #SettlerColonialism #AI #FacialRecognition #Assassination #Terrorism #Pogrom #Jenin #Hebron #Gaza #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #AWS
#amazon #israel #apartheid #palestinian #ai #palestine #surveillance #palestinians #biometric #westbank #ibsais #apartheidisrael #oppression #SettlerColonialism #facialrecognition #assassination #terrorism #pogrom #Jenin #hebron #gaza #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #aws