Let's fucking do this!!!
#Solidarity #unionstrong #wga #sagaftra #teamsters #iatse #utlanow #seiulocal99 #afm #ibt #ibew #afacwa
The #Teamsters take #Amazon
Amazon’s #nonunionized #workforce is an existential threat to the Teamsters—but signs of Amazon #workers #unionizing with the #IBT could change the game.
#teamsters #amazon #nonunionized #workforce #workers #unionizing #ibt
RT @EU_AfricaPerMed
The time has come for the 8th iteration of H3ABioNet’s Introduction to #Bioinformatics Training Course (#IBT). Do not miss the opportunity to connect with young scientists from all over #Africa
Application deadline 🗓️: 02 April 2023
More info :
https://mailchi.mp/14fd999090da/call_for_ibt_2023_participants-20242260 https://twitter.com/H3ABioNet/status/1638169330369134593