Horsehead and Flame Nebula
I have found that I am no longer able to complete a project in a single night, or even in several consecutive nights. As the end of the season is approaching, I have stopped working on my Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula project after only two hours of data and saved it to continue next year.
#astrophotography #horseheadnebula #ic434 #flamenebula #ngc2024 #ngc2023 #heq5pro #130pds #asi294mcpro
#astrophotography #horseheadnebula #ic434 #flamenebula #ngc2024 #ngc2023 #heq5pro #130pds #asi294mcpro
Die #Orion Konstellation als Widefield Aufnahme, inklusive dem berühmten Orion Nebel (#Messier42), Flammennebel (#NGC2029), Pferdekopf Nebel (#IC434), Caspar Ghost (#M78), Hexenkopf Nebel (#NGC1909) und Barnard's Loop.
Urlaubsfotos mal anders ;)
#M78 #ngc1909 #astrophotography #orion #messier42 #ngc2029 #ic434
#astronomy #ic434 #flamenebula
and while i was in this area of the sky - i took a shot from IC434 - also known as the Flame Nebula
#astronomy #ic434 #flamenebula
well, first it looked good, but at the second series clouds came back 😠
At leas i could fetch a 10 minutes red light from IC434 (Flame Nebula)
Alte Daten neu aufbereiten macht Spaß =)
Hier ein weiterer Datensatz von März 2022 - #IC434 und #NGC2024 - der #PferdekopfNebel und #FlammenNebel.
Die alte Version war wesentlich stärker verrauscht, die Neue zeigt deutlich mehr Detail.
#ic434 #NGC2024 #Pferdekopfnebel #Flammennebel #astrophotography
#Pferdekopfnebel in #IC434 - Versuch bei ziemlich schlechten Seeingbedingungen. Naja, zumindest erkennt man was. 🤷♂️
12" f/5, Nikon Z7 mit Telekonverter 2x (effektive Brennweite 3000mm), ISO 3200, Einzelbilder zu 30sec, Gesamtbelichtungszeit nur(!!) 36min - dann waren die Wolken wieder da. 😢😭
#pferdekopfnebel #ic434 #Astrofotografie
Had two hours before the dutch clouds came back so I tried the Horsehead Nebula, IC 434.
Setup contains ASI533mm Pro, RedCat 51, HEQ5 Pro, ASI120mm S (for auto-guiding) and ASIAir ✨
🔭 Clear skies everyone!
Lights (12h, 50min): 10 x L, 10 x R, 10 x G, 8 x B of 180 seconds each,
Dark x 20,
Master bias frame
#redcat #redcat51 #zwo #mono #astro #photography #stacking #astrophotography #astro #stars #horshead #nebula #ic434 #nofilters
#redcat #redcat51 #ZWO #mono #astro #photography #stacking #astrophotography #stars #horshead #nebula #ic434 #nofilters
IC434 Perdekopfnebel . Ein Emissionsnebel im Sternbild Orion. Entfernung etwa 1500 LJ.
Teleskop: Celestron C14 mit 0.7 Reducer 355/2737
Montierung: Skywatcher EQ8
Kamera: ZWO ASI071 MC Pro
Annahmen mit ASIAIR 20x 180 Sekunden. #ic434 #horseheadnebula #celestron #celestrontelescope #asiair #asi071mcpro #astronomy #astrophotography #nightskyphotography #Astrodon
#ic434 #horseheadnebula #Celestron #celestrontelescope #asiair #asi071mcpro #astronomy #astrophotography #nightskyphotography #Astrodon
💫🔭 IC434, Horsehead nebula is an emission n. in the Orion const. Stack of 1081 subs. Is at about 1500LY distance. Processed with #Pixinsight. Work in progress. #MyStellina @Vaonis_fr #vaoniscommunity #stargazing #cosmos#astrophotogrraphy #Universe #astronomy #deepsky #night #nightscape #IC434 🔭💫
#pixinsight #mystellina #vaoniscommunity #stargazing #Cosmos #universe #astronomy #deepsky #night #nightscape #ic434