I recently scored three dell thin clients for under £8 each.
Spec is similar ballpark to a raspberry pi, but with an x86 chipset and so much cheaper!
One of them will become a standalone #speakingClock system for the #DeanForestRailway #strowger #telephoneExchange (replacing a #museum exhibit that went offline in ~ 2019)
One of them will probably become a remote control host for my #icom #ic7300
The last one is likely to be kept as a spare for now, unless I can come up with another project.
#ic7300 #icom #museum #telephoneexchange #strowger #deanforestrailway #speakingclock
The #IC7300 did not like my fat fingers in factory default configuration. Very difficult to set the modulation mode. I could make it work with a plastic stylus as supplied with my #nanoVNA, tho. There's a fix for that in the #Icom IC-7300 FULL manual. Using the touch screen calibration fixed it right up.
@bradbrownjr got it! Had to change the PTT port to "COM3" (my #IC7300) *not* "CAT". On the rig, "USB SEND" *does* need to be set to "RTS", it can't be "OFF".
Now I can transmit the calibration tones from #SoundModem as well as try to send commands from #EasyTerm and have the radio key up.
Phew. That's enough for today!
#hamradio #packetradio #easyterm #soundmodem #ic7300
@bradbrownjr as an update, I managed to get SoundModem set up, but as soon as I set RTS or DTR to "on" for the SoundModem CAT settings, and USB SEND to RTS or DTR in the rig, the #IC7300 goes into transmit. At that point I gave up for now.
(I'm not asking *you* for help, but recording my observations).
(For the peanut gallery: Yes, Linux. I know how to use Linux, but I'm not in the mood to swap a USB cable and maintain two devices for this sort of thing.) #packetRadio #HFpacket
#hfpacket #packetradio #ic7300
I had a local amateur radio Elmer stop by with a home brew tennis ball launcher and help me get a EFHW 80m-10m antenna up in the trees today. Then I hastily ran coax and connected up my power supply, radio and laptop and made 26 contacts on 20m and 40m tonight on FT8. I just barely had exactly everything I needed. #hamradio #ft8 #ic7300
Installed the rx7300 kit for the #ic7300 from "hifi1200" on ebay out of France. Seems a great alternative to the discontinued product at dxengineering. They even included a snap on ferrite. I think the sma connectors are likely better too. 👍
I can confirm that the #IC7300 relay noise is much more tolerable with a little sticky tack. Can still hear it, but it doesn't overwhelm the sidetone anymore, even in QSK. Much better. https://youtu.be/eYyb4fqBa8k
@dj3ei the audio is harsh on the internal speaker, and not better on headphones. Had volume all the way down on headphones and it was still too loud.
I am familiar with @qrper's review at https://qrper.com/2022/05/a-review-of-the-xiegu-x6100-portable-sdr-transceiver/, but the headphone volume is worse than I thought. Might be able to adjust in software or add attenuator. I am comparing to audio from my #IC7300.
SDR-Control finally now also supports the #Icom #IC7300. So far the best remote Control software for Icom radios I've come across. Highly recommended if you are using a Mac.
I really need to replace the stock fan in the #IC7300, but still annoyed that NewEgg shipped the last one to the wrong address and then just said "too bad." Eventually I'll get over it enough to order another one (from somewhere else).