Last night, I dreamt that I was attending the #ICAME44 conference dinner: it was outdoors on large banquet-like tables with wooden benches (like in a Beergarten) and, in between courses, some of us spontaneously started singing 16th century madrigals! It sounded great but I think we also had some support from the a capella ensemble Stile Antico (see, e.g., who happen to sit among us (and whose recording I also happened to listen to last night!). 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶
Enjoying @LingLass's methodological talk on compiling a corpus of internet memes on health-related topics #ICAME44! #multimodality #CorpusLinguistics
#corpuslinguistics #Multimodality #icame44
Having fun behaving like the naughty kid at the back of the classroom on the #ICAME44's Discord server... 😝 #CorpusLinguistics