Supper = Raw veggies, egg salad sandwiches, and scalloped potatoes. #ICanCutStuffUp #ICanCook
Supper = Raw veggies, tuna salad 🥪, deviled eggs, and chips. #ICanCutStuffUp #ICanMixStuffTogether
#icancutstuffup #icanmixstufftogether
Supper = Raw veggies, steamed hotdogs, & tater tots. #ICanCutStuffUp #ICanHeatStuffUp
#icancutstuffup #icanheatstuffup
Supper = Raw veggies, battered fish fillets, french fries, & onion rings. #ICanCutStuffUp #ICanHeatStuffUp
#icancutstuffup #icanheatstuffup
Supper = Raw veggies, deli cold fried chicken, deli potato salad. #ICanCutStuffUp #ICanBeLazySometimes
#icancutstuffup #icanbelazysometimes
Supper = Raw veggies, 🥚 salad sandwiches, and potato salad. #ICanCutStuffUp