Chats over the long weekend with good friends reminded me to try not to slip back into classic #impostersyndrome thinking. Don't sell yourself short, learnings are equally if not more valuable than other outcomes, and women tend to suffer more of this than men do - not always of course, but certainly a big chunk.
Everyone deserves a personal hype team - I needed mine this weekend!
#icandothis #hypeteam #personalcheerleaders #womenintech #product #ProductMgmt #productmanagent #tech #technology
#impostersyndrome #icandothis #hypeteam #personalcheerleaders #womenintech #product #productmgmt #productmanagent #tech #technology
It's one of those days where listening to my favourite band is absolutely necessary.
#Tantric #Rock #Comfort #Music #ICanDoThis
#tantric #rock #comfort #music #icandothis
First world problems i’ve got to eat all my Christmas chocolate 😢 before Monday when the exercises and diet kick in. I can do this, I lost 16lbs last year (and put it back on 😬 😂). My goal like last year is to get down to 10st 5lb. Current weight about 12st 4lb #timetogetfit #health #excercises #fitness #Icandothis
#timetogetfit #health #excercises #fitness #icandothis
Bill Gates is now my mortal enemy..thought I was clever having Santa to get Xbox set up in advance, plug & play was the objective… nobody told me there is 45million button combinations on console🤣🤣🤣🤣.. bring back Atari #easypeasy #icandothis
Leaving the house to run a few errands in town today 😣
#icandothis #letsdothis #notafan
Woohoo! Smoke free for two months! It gets easier day by day 🚭🚭🚭 #QuitSmoking #Kwit #KwitApp #ProudOfMyself #ICanDoThis #SmokeFree
#Kwit #KwitApp #proudofmyself #icandothis #quitsmoking #smokefree
I'm both surprised about and proud of my willpower. Quitting smoking is HARD, but I can do this. Day 6... #StopSmoking #QuitSmoking #KickingTheHabit #ICanDoThis #HealthierSelf #HealthierMe
#stopsmoking #quitsmoking #KickingTheHabit #icandothis #HealthierSelf #HealthierMe