Mana mana!
Beep beeeee bee dee beep.
Mana mana!
Beep bee deep beep.
Mana mana!
Beep beeeee bee dee beep
bee dee beep
bee dee beep
bee dee bee dee
bee deep beep
bee deep beep.
@donni Do you know about the #ICantSleep podcast? This guy, Benjamin Boster, with a wonderfully boring voice reads incredibly boring Wikipedia articles.
It's available via podcasts but also in the wonderful free meditation and sleep app called #InsightTimer
I've only made it thru a few. Oatmeal is particularly effective at knocking me out lol. But I was interested enough to listen to the whole article about Dragons lol
#sleep #insomnia
#icantsleep #insighttimer #sleep #insomnia