@pokateo Posted my blog post about #icc2023 https://www.geospatialtrainingsolutions.co.uk/icc-cape-town-south-africa-3d-models-and-un-acronym-soup/ and prep for #foss4guk2023, happening tomorrow!
ok, so I dared to pollute my computer by logging back into the app formerly known as twitter, to see what else was tweeted ... and I find that a) no tweets about this topic under the hashtag #icc2023 and b) Dr Field has posted some other joking comments about certain presentations ... so, this is probably just a joke and not the perversity that will launch at least one research article. Ho hum.
Congratulations to Cindy Brewer for the Carl Mannerfelt gold medal for her contributions to #cartography. Her work is literally everywhere, feels like I refer to it weekly! https://www.geog.psu.edu/directory/cynthia-brewer
Seems she also is the first woman ever to receive this award. #icc2023
Meet Eric Delmelle and @nickbearman plus other CaGIS members at our informal gathering tonight - Tue 15th 5:30-7pm at Stella Bar, The Cullinan Southern Sun hotel, just across the road from #icc2023. Ask about the journal, or anything else you'd like to! https://goo.gl/maps/4Fb5hRKfSgJjhMss6
Meet Eric Delmelle and @nickbearman plus other CaGIS members at our informal gathering tomorrow - Tue 15th 5:30-7pm at Stella Bar, The Cullinan Southern Sun hotel, just across the road from #icc2023. Ask about the journal, or anything else you'd like to! https://goo.gl/maps/4Fb5hRKfSgJjhMss6
Meet Eric Delmelle and @nickbearman plus other CaGIS members at our informal gathering tonight - Mon 14th 5:30-7pm at Stella Bar, The Cullinan Southern Sun hotel, just across the road from #icc2023. Ask about the journal, or anything else you'd like to! https://goo.gl/maps/4Fb5hRKfSgJjhMss6
Great to be presenting CaGIS at #ICC2023. @nickbearman , Eric Delmelle and many from the editorial board are attending. Come and chat to us about publishing in the journal.
Fantastic welcome from the whole #icc2023 team including South African Youth Choir to the International Cartographic Conference in Cape Town, South Africa
Interested in #LBS, Spatial #BigData, #GeoAI, #XAI et al?
#LocBigDataAI2023 is open for submissions
The symposium will be held in hybrid mode and will be associated with #ICC2023
#lbs #bigdata #GeoAI #xai #locbigdataai2023 #icc2023 #gischat #geospatial #giscience #locationbased
International Cartographic Association - ICC Cape Town deadlines extended to early January: https://icc2023.org/
#cartography #ICC2023 #giscience #maps
#Maps #giscience #icc2023 #Cartography
International Cartographic Association - ICC Cape Town deadlines extended to early January: https://icc2023.org/
#cartography #ICC2023 #giscience #maps
#Maps #giscience #icc2023 #Cartography