ICCA Conference Report Day 4
Compiled by Emily Hofstetter & Bryanna Hebenstreit, with reports from Søren Sandager Sørensen, Tilly Flint, & Bogdana Huma
The final day of ICCA23 started early with presentations opening at 8.30am, though that did not deter the enthusiasm.
The previous evening saw the ISCA awards announced, and with all our congratulations to the awardees, we’d like to (re)m
#Report #ICCA2023
Conference Day 3 blog post
By Rosario Neyra & Marit Aldrup
(In collaboration with Marina Cantarutti and Rachael Drewery)
Time really flies by when we engage with what we love. So it’s hard to believe that the penultimate day of the 6th International Conference on Conversation Analysis has already come. Once again we’ve been able to follow Day 3 activities from afar with the help of our reporters and
#Report #ICCA2023
ICCA Day 2 liveblog
By Rosario Neyra & Minttu Vänttinen
(With collaboration by Yumei Gan, Marina Cantarutti, Taiane Malabarba, and Cynthia Hicban)
Welcome back to our Day 2 roundup of the International Conference on Conversation Analysis, which has been just as exciting as the beginning of the week! Thanks to our reporters at the conference, those of us who cannot participate on site have been able to enjo
#Report #ICCA2023
Doing my talk on "mm" later today! Hoping to see people in General Session 16 later #icca2023
ICCA Conference Report: Workshops & Day 1
By Nick Williams, Federica Previtali and Virginia Calabria
(with collaboration by Betül Çimenli, Klara Skogmyr Marian and Veronica Gonzalez Temer)
Writing from Sicily, Tampere, and Berlin, FOMO does not even start describing how we feel about our colleagues being all together in Brisbane. However, we can catch a bit of the vibe only by look
#Uncategorized #ICCA2023
#Multimodality colleagues at #MMSYM2023 thanks for the live-tweeting! Sadly with the two big confs in my 2 fields (CA - #ICCA2023; Phonetics - #ICPhS2023) happening this year I wasn't able to join you in Barcelona. But looking forward to catching some of you at #GESPIN2023?
#multimodality #mmsym2023 #icca2023 #ICPhS2023 #gespin2023
So my research allowance paid for my fees for #icca2023. So I'm registered.
Now to try to get a flight (out of pocket😢). And a visa. And to follow every rainbow to find a pot of gold somewhere.
And to find a way to also include and network with my colleagues who can't make it.
ISCA Award nominations 2023!
We are excited to welcome nominations for ISCA’s awards. Nominations are due by April 5, 2023 and will be awarded at ICCA-23 in Brisbane during ISCA’s General Assembly.
#News #awards #ICCA2023
Great idea here, a "grassroots" initiative to bring the community together and include those who cannot make it (be it for any financial, family, sustainability, distance, visa, public or personal health, ideology, life reasons) during #ICCA2023.
RT @Hkevoefeldman
@LucasSeuren @cal_virgi @mncantarutti @icca2023 We all feel the hardship of not having the funds - and I’ve always paid out of pocket when I exhaust my allowance- but …
At the impressive Bridges Auditorium for the 2023 ICCA West Quarterfinal at Pomona College, rooting for Resonance a cappella from UCLA.
#icca2023 #resonanceucla #pomonacollege #acappella
RT @LucasSeuren@twitter.com
@charles_antaki@twitter.com it took us 2 years to organise #DMCA2022, so I think 2023 is sadly a little bit out of reach 😅 also, there's #ICCA2023
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LucasSeuren/status/1588711386909376512