This reminds me that: In some countries to receive some benefits from the state, they still use Autistic Quotient) Baron-Cohen, (Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin and Clubey, 2001 and The Cambridge Behaviour Scale (Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004). Yes, people need to go through 20 years old tests. And then, when you read the diagnosis, you understand they use the DSM-5!
The wonderful (/s) world of psychology, psychiatry and diagnosis!
And, I'm not speaking about people still diagnosed as schizophrenic when they are autists...
#icd #diagnostic #actuallyautistic #vorsprungdurchignoranz #merkbefreiung
#icd #diagnostic #actuallyautistic #vorsprungdurchignoranz #merkbefreiung
Using the #ICD-10-GM as a #diagnostic tool in 2023 is like building a splash page with Macromedia Flash.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me a fax!
#icd #diagnostic #actuallyautistic #vorsprungdurchignoranz #Merkbefreiung
Just saw a paper using a "liver frailty index"...
Not surprising that #frailty is still so controversial and has problems been adequately recognized...
As it is, the #DSM and #ICD are bad enough in terms of pathologizing differences, but it least they are specifications that have to stand up to *some* rigor, albeit pharma funded.
Just making shit up and copy and pasting on the go, as the #WAI #COGA is also heavily invested in, is not OK, OK.
Nasz redakcyjny kolega @kuba był gościem podcastu Panoptykon 4.0! W rozmowie z Wojciechem Klickim Kuba opowiada, kim jesteśmy, jakie podejmujemy działania, a co najważniejsze wspomina o otwartych rozwiązaniach i jak wygląda sieci społecznościowa bez algorytmów.
„Posłuchajcie rozmowy o Internecie naszych marzeń, który, o dziwo, nie różni się tak bardzo od aktualnego.”
#privacy #prywatnosc #panoptykon #icd
Interesting #study / #basicresearch
on post CoViD / post CoViD syndrom / pcs / me/cfs
Interessante #Studie / #Grundlagenforschung zu
#postcovid / #postcovidsyndrom / #pcs / #mecfs
#study #covid #longcovid #autoantibodies #aab
#autoantikörper #autoantikoerper #aak #fatigue #ICD-G93-3
#study #basicresearch #studie #grundlagenforschung #PostCovid #postcovidsyndrom #pcs #mecfs #covid #LongCovid #autoantibodies #aab #autoantikorper #autoantikoerper #aak #fatigue #icd
Xe nâng tay 2,5 Tấn Xilin DF-III càng dài 1220*685mm được nhập khẩu trực tiếp và phân phối độc quyền từ tập đoàn NINGBO RUYI,, được sản xuất theo công nghệ Nhật Bản, là dòng sản phẩm Xe Nâng Hãng Xilin cao cấp chất lượng tốt nhất và có khung giá hấp dẫn nhất thị trường. Đặc biệt có chế độ bảo hành sản phẩm duy nhất trên thị trường tới 2 năm.
In this podcast, Loralee Kapp, OSI’s Solutions Managers, discusses the best practices to assign #ICD-10 codes & modifiers for #painmanagement.
Auf dem Weg zum gläsernen Patienten: „Nicht durchgeführte Impfung …“ gegen Covid-19 im ICD-10 und im ICD-11 der WHO #InternationalClassificationofDiseases #Weltgesundheitsorganisation #Gesundheitsfaschismus #GläsernerPatient #AbuseofScience #Überwachung #Gesundheit #Kontrolle #Biomacht #ICD-10 #ICD-11 #Macht #WHO
#who #macht #icd #biomacht #kontrolle #gesundheit #uberwachung #abuseofscience #glasernerpatient #gesundheitsfaschismus #weltgesundheitsorganisation #internationalclassificationofdiseases
The #ICD-10-CM codes now include a specific code for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, which is G93.32. Read more,
#Hyperlipidemia occurs when there are too many lipids in the blood. Read the blog to know more about the condition and related #ICD-10 codes.
Long COVID is, as you imply, near meaningless.
It includes post-ARDS lung disease, persistent fatigue, post dialysis complications, cold toes post chillbains, anxiety disorders, MS-like paresthesia-neuropathies and more.
Things we readily understand and things we don’t. Things we can measure and things we can’t.
A garbage bin classification.
#LongCovid #icd #classification #ontology #medicine
Máy quấn hành lý sân bay xoay tự động ICD-XT4508
Máy quấn hành lý được sử dụng là một thiết bị bàn xoay có thể di chuyển và vận hành bằng tay, sử dụng màng căng để bọc hành lý. Người vận hành đặt hành lý lên bệ và điều chỉnh các thanh dọc để cố định túi theo kích thước của hành lý. Sau đó, bắt đầu quá trình bọc, chỉ việc nhấn nút khởi động trên bảng điều khiển máy sẽ tự động quay để đóng gói hành lý bằng một lớp màng căng từ 3 đến 5 lớp.
#icdvietnam #icd #icdgiare
As #Apple's #OpenCL implementation got deprecated and —I'm told— started degenerating towards uselessness, more people have started installing alternative ones through #Homebrew —typically PortableCL #PoCL.
This in turn returns an OpenCL library that is a #ICD loader —so people also install ocl-icd (again from Homebrew).
This poses an interesting conundrum for me as the #clinfo maintainer.
#clinfo #icd #PoCL #homebrew #opencl #apple
Ich habe Kleinanzeigen - Kommunikation.
Gut, dass durch das Update des #ICD* auf #ICD11 meine Persönlichkeitsstörung weggefallen ist - ich bin quasi gesund - und da fällt das Kommunizieren doch um einiges leichter 🙃
Knee overuse injuries occur when a person engages in repetitive tasks. Read about four common knee overuse injuries and their #ICD-10 codes.