Stay safe down there!
#Antarctica #millionYearIceCore
#millionYear #IceCore #millionYearCore #coreSample #coreSamples #iceCoreSample #iceCoreSamples
#LivingTraverse #caravan #SoCold #stayWarm #ice #oldestIce
#science #research #scientificResearch #researcher #Antarctic #researchers #AntarcticResearch #AntarcticResearcher #AntarcticResearchers #study #samples #takeSamples #takingSamples #HistoryOfTheEarth #IceAges #warmPeriods #ClimateChange
#antarctica #millionyearicecore #millionyear #icecore #millionyearcore #coresample #coresamples #icecoresample #icecoresamples #livingtraverse #caravan #socold #staywarm #ice #oldestice #Science #research #scientificresearch #researcher #antarctic #researchers #antarcticresearch #antarcticresearcher #antarcticresearchers #study #samples #takesamples #takingsamples #historyoftheearth #iceages #warmperiods #ClimateChange
How a vanished Ice Age lake shaped the past and present of Missoula, Montana - Enlarge / Past shorelines left deposits that are still visible on the h... - #lakemissoula #features #glaciers #science #geology #iceages #floods
#floods #iceages #geology #science #glaciers #features #lakemissoula
Ars Technica: How a vanished Ice Age lake shaped the past and present of Missoula, Montana #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #lakeMissoula #Features #glaciers #Science #geology #iceages #floods
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #lakeMissoula #features #glaciers #science #geology #iceages #floods
So, I was watching this really enlightening video by #science #YouTube-r #Astrum about the #MilankovitchCycles and how they correlate (proof would be pending until it happens and we could measure it - but there’d still need to be someone left to do that, of course!😏 ) with #IceAges. Yet, I haven’t heard/read of any impact assessments of those two in comparison with each other❕🤔🧐
#Science #youtube #astrum #milankovitchcycles #iceages
On December 12, 1958, Serbian mathematician, astronomer, climatologist, geophysicist, and civil engineer Milutin Milanković passed away. Milankovic revolutionized the understanding of climate dynamics. He put the astronomical theory of climate on a firm mathematical basis and founded cosmic climatology by calculating the temperature conditions on planets of the inner and outer solar system.
#climatology #iceages #geology #historyofscience
It's significant that the data from A. Berger on orbital parameters shows that we currently have low orbital eccentricity heading to a future minimum. #climate #IceAges Basically damping any current orbital forcing.
No; the Ice Age(s) were not the result of Noah's Flood (they really do say that). And why do they say it? To pretend that climate scinence can be ignored, just like evolution science, so we don't need to worry about the warming #climate: Creationism and climate - birth of a new pseudoscience and Creationism in the service of climate change denial
#creationism #creationistlies #climatechange #iceages #climate