Mapped - What Did The World Look Like In The Last Ice Age?
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #iceage #LastGlacialMaximum #sealevel #glaciers #ice #visualisation #LGM #lasticeage #earthhistory #climate #climatechange #map #cartography #research #elevation #topography #remotesensing #opendata #global #poles #polar #pole #icemass #iceandsnow
#VisualCapitalist @visualcapitalist
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #iceage #lastglacialmaximum #sealevel #glaciers #ice #visualisation #lgm #lasticeage #earthhistory #climate #climatechange #map #cartography #research #elevation #topography #remotesensing #opendata #global #poles #polar #pole #icemass #iceandsnow #visualcapitalist
It's been fairly snowy this week but up until last night not *really* cold.
This morning there were little icy winter vignettes whenever you stopped and looked close up.
#crystals #scotland #isleofskye #iceandsnow #winter
Another one from the Snow Village. This time a fella loitering outside Buckingham Palace.
#Lainio #SnowVillage #iceandsnow #Lapland
#lapland #iceandsnow #snowvillage #lainio