A week since my last #Svalbard update
and the #seaice extent is still increasing in the area 📈
after several months of really poor sea-ice conditions.
Source: #OSISAF SII-v2.1,
#METNorway #icecharts
#icecharts #metnorway #osisaf #seaice #svalbard
RT @SigneAaboe@twitter.com
#Seaice is missing especially east of #Svalbard.
Here, showing @Meteorologisk@twitter.com #icecharts, same date for four different years back in time.
And the @OSISAF@twitter.com sea-ice #extent in the Svalbard region for 40+ years.
Check out http://cryo.met.no for these data and plots. https://twitter.com/AEDerocher/status/1612838500025466881
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SigneAaboe/status/1613139269970804738
#extent #icecharts #svalbard #seaice