Ice Cream Man (1995)
On s’attendait à une sympathique Série B horrifique, ce sera tout le contraire…
#IceCreamMan #NormanApstein #PaulNorman #Horreur #FilmHorreur #Glace #IceCream #Film #Cinema
#icecreamman #normanapstein #paulnorman #horreur #filmhorreur #glace #icecream #film #cinema
Finally catching up on Ice Cream Man. I think Morazzo's art is particularly well suited to the fantasy setting of issue #9.
Ice Cream Man #9
Art: Martin Morazzo
Instead of obsessing with news today, I kept going with my Glaser/Alcorn/etc style studies going and drew the Ice Cream Man, from the amazing eponymous series by W. Maxwell Prince and @martinmorazzo #icecreamman #pushpinstudios
I need Vol. 9 and 10 of #IceCreamMan. Universe, please, make it happen right away!
It's 10pm on NYE and I've kept the promise I made to myself and finished reading Vol. 6, 7 and 8 of #IceCreamMan!
Who's a good boy? Me!
#LicketySplit #WMaxwellPrince #MartinMorazzo #ChrisOHalloran
#icecreamman #licketysplit #wmaxwellprince #martinmorazzo #chrisohalloran
The sequel to the Clint Howard classic, ICE CREAM MAN (1995), according to the unsuccessful 2014 Kickstarter campaign, would have been titled "Ice Cream Man 2: Sundae Bloody Sundae".
The original can be streamed on Tubi, Plex, Pluto TV, AMC+, Shudder.
#clinthoward #icecreamman #Cosomovies
I just remembered that I have to restart Vol. 6 of #IceCreamMan because my dumbass doesn't remember any of the stories.
I see the Image Comics #HumbleBundle celebrating #Image30 have hit the 2010s. As with any bundle, the contents are a mixed bag. But this one includes #Saga volumes 1-9, #Injection 1-3, #ManEaters, #IceCreamMan, #NailBiter, along with some of the old school Image stuff like #Spawn, #WitchBlade and #SavageDragon #comics #graphicnovels #sale
#humblebundle #image30 #saga #injection #maneaters #icecreamman #nailbiter #spawn #Witchblade #savagedragon #comics #graphicnovels #sale
Today is a good day because I've finally got my hands on Vol. 6 of #IceCreamMan. It's time to feast on #JustDesserts.
#WMaxwellPrince #MartinMorazzo #ChrisOHalloran #Comics #HorrorComics
#icecreamman #justdesserts #wmaxwellprince #martinmorazzo #chrisohalloran #comics #horrorcomics
#IceCreamMan by #WMaxwellPrince, #MartinMorazzo and #ChrisOHalloran is one of the best things to have happened to me this year. It's easily one of my most favorite #Comics. I regret not starting it sooner but I'm also happy that I get to devour so much of it all at once. I'm thoroughly enjoying myself with one.
#icecreamman #wmaxwellprince #martinmorazzo #chrisohalloran #comics
Bei Ice Cream Man handelt es sich um eine Horror-Anthologie, die Geschichten hängen also inhaltlich nicht wirklich zusammen. Überall taucht der namensgebende Ice Cream Man auf und stets wird er begleitet von Unheil oder großem Leid.
Klingt gut - ist es aber nicht! Die Geschichten bieten nichts wirklich Neues, oft ist einem schnell klar, wie die kurzen Storys verlaufen und der Horrorfaktor hält sich arg in Grenzen.
#icecreamman #horror #comic #comicbuch #kritik #eis #grusel #kurzgeschichten
#icecreamman #horror #comic #comicbuch #kritik #eis #grusel #kurzgeschichten