#ringed #icegiant #neptune #astronomy #picture #apod #jwst
Ruby The Hatchet at The Stone Church, March 17, 2023 📷: Wayne Edwards. Show recap and photos at FFMB, https://flyingfiddlesticks.com/2023/03/26/ruby-the-hatchet-at-the-stone-church-march-17-2023/ #livemusic #metal #heavymetal #RubyTheHatchet #IceGiant #Jeopardy #ComaHole #MagneticEyeRecords #TheStoneChurch #Brattleboro #Vermont #hardrock #stoner #stonerrock #thrash #epicmetal #thrash #psychedelicrock #heavypsych
#livemusic #metal #heavymetal #rubythehatchet #icegiant #jeopardy #comahole #magneticeyerecords #thestonechurch #brattleboro #vermont #hardrock #stoner #stonerrock #thrash #epicmetal #psychedelicrock #heavypsych
RT @IcyGiants@twitter.com
Upcoming #IceGiant Meetings:
#UranusFlagship meeting on instruments and investigations, held virtually and in-person (Pasadena) 25-27 July 2023.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/IcyGiants/status/1610565796895268864
RT @IcyGiants@twitter.com
Upcoming #IceGiant Meetings:
#EGU23 Online and in Vienna 23-28 April 2023: SESSION PS6.1: Ice Giant System Science and Exploration, deadline Jan 10th.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/IcyGiants/status/1610565407861100545
#QuizOfTheDay: #Uranus is an #IceGiant. Uranus has two sets of #Rings. The inner rings are narrow and dark and the outer rings are brightly colored.
How many known rings does Uranus have? #KnowYourSolarSystem
A. 9
B. 4
C. 13
D. 17
#knowyoursolarsystem #rings #icegiant #uranus #quizoftheday
#bloodmoon #icegiant #astronomy #picture #apod #moon #uranus
Recently, I have adopted the #iceGiant to #cool my #threadripper 1900X .
It was May and it was already shining, as the max temperature I got was of 72°C against the usual more than 80! But now that is November and temperatures are way lower, here I share the #stunning #result, max temperature 68.3 °C! And it was on the 3rd of the month, now that it is much cooler in Italy, I don't even enter throttling! (happens at 68 °C).
Since I do not have a #heater at #home as it is #broken, I #render projects on the #sheepit #renderfarm for #blender and other than points, I also get higher room #temperatures! In the last days I have reached a top of 67.6 °C, #amazing!! And I have even kept the case #fans to the #minimum!
#data #report #grafana #prometheus #stats #graphs
#blog post: https://furayoshi.com/blog/icegiant-shines-with-cooler-autumn-room-temperatures/
#icegiant #result #heater #home #broken #render #sheepit #prometheus #stats #graphs #blog #cool #threadripper #stunning #renderfarm #blender #temperatures #amazing #fans #minimum #data #report #grafana
#ringed #icegiant #neptune #astronomy #picture #apod #jwst