Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange solutions require as much varied and relevant information as possible.
This story is of a daunting, dangerous, and unique #scientific effort to help determine just how dire our extremely dire situation may be.
"#Scientists have less material from under the #IceSheet [covering #Greenland] than they do from the surface of the #moon."
#moon #greenland #icesheet #scientists #scientific #ClimateChange
A mile under the Greenland Ice Sheet is a canyon longer than Arizona's Grand Canyon.
#science #sciencefacts #megacanyon #grandcanyon #canyon #greenland #icesheet
#science #sciencefacts #megacanyon #grandcanyon #canyon #greenland #icesheet
For the European morning (Asian afternoon/evening) crowd:
No, Petermann Glacier is not growing.
#Greenland #IceSheet #Glacier #melt #PetermannGlacier #ClimateDiary #ClimateChange #SeaLevelRise
#sealevelrise #climatechange #ClimateDiary #PetermannGlacier #Melt #Glacier #icesheet #Greenland
In der Klimawissenschaft ist ein Kipppunkt definiert als "eine kritische Schwelle, jenseits derer sich ein System neu organisiert, oft abrupt und/oder irreversibel" (Lenton et al., 2008). Hier sind 10 #Kipppunkte, die für uns zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen haben.
"Einige der im #IPCC-Bericht erörterten abrupten Klimaänderungen und Kipppunkte könnten schwerwiegende lokale Klimareaktionen nach sich ziehen, wie extreme Temperaturen, Dürren, Waldbrände, Verlust der Eisschilde und Zusammenbruch der thermohalinen Zirkulation.
Es gibt Hinweise auf abrupte Veränderungen in der Erdgeschichte, und einige dieser Ereignisse wurden als Kipppunkte interpretiert (Dakos et al., 2008). Einige davon sind mit bedeutenden Veränderungen des globalen Klimas verbunden, wie z. B. die Interglaziale im Quartär (vor 2,5 Millionen Jahren) und die rasche Erwärmung während des thermischen Maximums im Paläozän und Eozän (vor etwa 55,5 Millionen Jahren; Bowen et al., 2015; Hollis et al., 2019).
Solche Ereignisse veränderten das planetare Klima für zehn- bis hunderttausende von Jahren, aber mit einer Geschwindigkeit, die tatsächlich viel langsamer ist als der projizierte anthropogene Klimawandel in diesem Jahrhundert, selbst wenn es keine Kipppunkte gibt" (IPCC, 2021).
#climatescience #tippingpoints #tippingpoint #scientistrebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #climatechange #climatecrisis #forestfires #icesheet #elnino #monsoon #coralreef #permafrost #amazonforest #atlantic #arctic #antarctica #climatesystem.
#kipppunkte #ipcc #ClimateScience #tippingpoints #tippingpoint #ScientistRebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Forestfires #icesheet #elnino #monsoon #coralreef #permafrost #amazonforest #atlantic #arctic #antarctica #climatesystem
Just added the article here about the distort #JetStream
#icemelt #icesheet #greenland #arctic #jetstream
Much worse than the bad news from under 3 or 4 northern heat domes currently dominating headlines, is this!
Basically some solid proof has been found that Greenlands ice sheet has melted away entirely about 416,000 years ago & although humans aren't implicated in that, the sea level rises mentioned are population level impacting!
Uh, this is not nice. During one of the warmest interglacials of past (with quite little increase of CO2), much of Greenland ice sheet melted, increasing sea level about 5 feet.
#icesheet #greenland #sealevel #ClimateChange
#Greenland #IceSheet Univ. of Vermont: "Greenland melted some 416,000 years ago, shows high risk of causing sea level rise today" https://phys.org/news/2023-07-greenland-years-high-sea-today.html
This is a cool comparison...
The #Greenland #IceSheet melt season in 2023 so far looks spookily similar to 2012.
#SurfaceMassBalance #icesheet #Greenland
How Will #ClimateChange Impact #Volcanic Eruptions?
by David Bressan, July 3, 2023
"A study published in 2022 showed a link between volcanic activity and the retreat of the Cordilleran #IceSheet, which once covered large portions of western North America, during times of rapid climate warming. A study of #Iceland's volcanic systems showed a similar pattern. #Volcanoes experienced a period of heightened activity when the ice cap covering the island disappeared. The average eruption rates were found to be up to 100 times higher after the ice melted. Scientists now think that ice cover to volcanoes is like a cork in a champagne bottle. Remove the icy cork and boom, the eruptions begin.
"Also, sea levels can influence the likelihood of volcanic eruptions. Studying the past eruptions of the island of #Santorini in the Aegean Sea, the authors of a study published in 2021 showed that volcanic activity was directly linked to variations of the water levels. Rising sea levels could displace an estimated 267 million people worldwide, forcing them to settle in areas at higher risk of volcanic hazards."
#ClimateChange #volcanic #icesheet #iceland #volcanoes #santorini #climatecatastrophe #sealevel #sealevelrise
Since the #ablation season started the #Greenland #iceSheet has been melting fast - around 60% of the #ice sheet has seen melt at the surface + we calculate it has lost around 5 to 6 Gigatonnes of water each day from melt and runoff alone over the last 3 days.
Of course you have to add the loss of icebergs on top of that too...
But the late start season + late #snow, means overall it is still well above average #SMB for the time of year.
Follow along daily here:
#smb #snow #ice #icesheet #Greenland #ablation
Good post from @polarportal explaining the current very high melt (but not low surface mass budget) over the #Greenland #IceSheet
The summer solstice is #Greenland's National Day
Slightly unusually, the ablation season (net ice loss from melt) has yet to start in Greenland, surface melt is average for the time of year. Fresh snow is also still adding ice to the #IceSheet.
A start to the surface ablation season after the 21st June has only happened 4 times since 2000 - but was much more common in in the 80s + 90s.
Remember though - #ice is still lost by #calving of #icebergs
#icebergs #calving #ice #icesheet #Greenland
Off to the delightful, shady fjord side campus of @AarhusUni near #Roskilde today. Always a pleasure and our student Mathias Larsen, who is presnting his mid term report has some awesome new work to talk about, using the @CopernicusECMWF #Arctic reanalysis to calculate #Greenland #IceSheet mass budget #SMB #CARRA
#CARRA #smb #icesheet #Greenland #arctic #roskilde
#JaneWillenbring as told to #JackieFlynnMogensen in #MotherJones:
"I had wanted to do my PhD in Antarctica because it was so incredibly important. But after getting back, I thought, “Even if I’m in a different department, I just don’t even want to see him on base. I don’t want him reviewing my grant proposals and my papers, I just want to move away from that entire community.” And so I applied to do my PhD at a different university where I could work in the Arctic and sub-Arctic."
#MeToo #misogyny #SexualHarassment #geology #Antarctica #IceSheet #BostonUniversity #ScienceMagazine #NationalScienceFoundation
#janewillenbring #jackieflynnmogensen #motherjones #metoo #misogyny #sexualharassment #geology #antarctica #icesheet #bostonuniversity #sciencemagazine #nationalsciencefoundation
For the Saturday afternoon crowd: a brief introduction to our new and supercool #PRECISE project, about #Greenland #Antarctica #Climate emulation, #IceSheet physics #SMB #IceCores and #MachineLearning to get a better grasp on the statistics + uncertainty in #SeaLevelRise projections...
(And now with updated graphic courtesy @rathmann - tak🙏)
#sealevelrise #machinelearning #IceCores #smb #icesheet #Climate #antarctica #Greenland #precise
It has been unusually cool and wet in #Greenland - melt is proceeding but any runoff is more than balanced by fresh snow, the #IceSheet has in fact gained mass since the start of June. This is not abnormal, the loss of ice usually accelerates during July.
What is the importance of the #Greenland #iceSheet for #ocean circulation on #AMOC ?
Great artice by authors including my colleague Marion Devilliers
#amoc #ocean #icesheet #Greenland
Likely that the #Greenland ice sheet melt season started on the 31st May, yesterday was saw 12% of the area of the ice sheet melting - very high for so early in the season. Final determination depends on how much melt occurs today (should be over 5% of the surface area).
However, again the melt was associated with rain + snowfall from relatively warm moist air so no net ice loss (ablation) yet
A little early to call the start of the #Greenland #meltSeason yet, but yesterday we calculate 10% of the ice sheet had melt at the surface - an impressive steep increase from 3% the day before!
The melt was accompanied by rain + snow though which adds to the #ice budget so the #IceSheet actually gained about 4 Gigatonnes..
#icesheet #ice #meltseason #Greenland