In meiner Vorbereitung auf tüftele ich gerade an einer neuen Organisation meiner Zettelwirtschaft hinter dem Spielleitungsschirm. 🧐 Mal schauen, was der Praxistest ergibt 🤓

#icewinddalerimeofthefrostmaiden #pnpde #rollenspiel #dnd5e

Last updated 1 year ago

Judd · @Judd
1245 followers · 1120 posts · Server

For whatever reason, the adventure, Rime of the Frost Maiden is on my mind. No idea why.

Thinking about how I'd set it in the last 10 Towns in an otherwise frozen hellscape of a world. Each town is named after something it has proudly salvaged from the now-frozen world.

Loom. Judge. Elf. Mage-Tower. Etc.

#icewinddalerimeofthefrostmaiden #RimeoftheFrostmaiden #DnD #ttrpg #dungeonsAndDragons

Last updated 2 years ago