I turned in a decent performance at the #ICFPContest — nowhere near the top of the scoreboard, but decent — and I think I can say that overall I had fun with it.
And that's despite coming down with a cold (which I thought was allergies but then the sore throat started…), plus being a little out of practice with actually writing code lately.
Also, this is a bit of a “we are so back”: the last year I did anything for #ICFPC was 2020 but I decided to ignore the actual problem and play with program analysis for that year's Weird Machine; 2017 and 2015 I got something working but my READMEs sound kind of angry at myself for not doing more, and I think 2014 was the last year I actually had fun.
So #ICFPContest is over now — I pretty much stopped with 20 hours to go. My #OCaml code for it is now public here: https://github.com/purcell/icfpc2023 #ICFPC
After a busy week of work and travel, of course I'm now doing the #ICFPContest, in OCaml for a change. I haven't done a ton of it before but it's working well and I'm the highest on the scoreboard I've been for years. #ICFPC
The #ICFPContest has started: https://www.icfpcontest.com/
So far this morning I've been, uh, trying to wake up, thinking about what tools I might want, and non-programming stuff (going to therapy, household chores, etc.). I'm not planning to be super-tryhard about this, but maybe I can have some fun with it.
Not sure what the hashtags are. #ICFPC #ICFPC2023?
#icfpcontest #ICFPC #icfpc2023