"Selon un nouveau rapport, les finances publiques pourraient perdre 4 700 milliards de dollars de recettes fiscales au cours de la prochaine décennie, car les multinationales et les particuliers fortunés continuent d'utiliser les paradis fiscaux pour ne pas payer leurs impôts."
#fraudefiscale #évasionfiscale #paradisfiscaux #ICIJ
#fraudefiscale #evasionfiscale #paradisfiscaux #icij
Le bois russe interdit est toujours importé dans l'UE malgré les sanctions visant à réduire les revenus du bois qui contribuent à financer la guerre de la Russie en Ukraine, selon une nouvelle enquête menée par les partenaires européens de l' International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).
#ICIJ #Russie #Europe #Commerce #Sanctions #GuerreEnUkraine
#icij #russie #Europe #commerce #sanctions #guerreenukraine
#Canadian parliament launched probe into #PaperExcellence after #ICIJ & #DeforestationInc #investigation revealed ties between #BritishColumbia company & #AsiaPulpAndPaper #Chinese #Indonesian #ForestryCompany - accused of #deforestation & #HumanRightsAbuses .
Govt seek to clarify ownership of Paper Excellence & asked Jackson Wijaya - supposed sole owner to attend #CommitteeOnNaturalResources meeting.
Wijaya, member of Indonesia’s powerful #Widjaja family, didn’t show.
#canadian #paperexcellence #icij #deforestationinc #investigation #britishcolumbia #asiapulpandpaper #chinese #indonesian #forestrycompany #deforestation #humanrightsabuses #committeeonnaturalresources #widjaja
#Canada federal government action to #scrutinize #PaperExcellence came in late March after the #publication of a months-long #investigation conducted by the #International #Consortium of #InvestigativeJournalists #ICIJ — including #media partners #GlacierMedia #CBC #HalifaxExaminer #LeMonde & #RadioFrance — into the company’s overseas ties.
#canada #scrutinize #paperexcellence #publication #investigation #international #consortium #investigativejournalists #icij #media #glaciermedia #cbc #halifaxexaminer #lemonde #radiofrance #forestry #corporatecorruption
#Canada ranks 3rd globally for #OldGrowth #forest loss, behind #Russia & #Brazil .
..home to a $34 billion #forestry #industry
...according to an #investigation by #CBCNews , #ICIJ ’s media partner, #Canadian #politicians #lobbied #lawmakers in #NewYorkState to #amend a bill aimed to prevent #NY from buying products linked to #deforestation or forest #degradation . The bill, originally called #NewYork #DeforestationFreeProcurementAct was introduced in early 2021.
#canada #oldgrowth #forest #russia #brazil #forestry #industry #investigation #cbcnews #icij #canadian #politicians #lobbied #lawmakers #newyorkstate #amend #ny #deforestation #degradation #newyork #deforestationfreeprocurementact
The 4th in a #series of articles resulting from a months-long #investigation into #PaperExcellence a #BritishColumbia headquartered #pulp & #paper company that has quickly grown to control large tracts of #Canadian #forests & become the #largest #company of its kind in #NorthAmerica . The stories are part of #Deforestation Inc., an investigation led by the #International #Consortium of #Investigative #Journalists (#ICIJ ) involving 140 #journalists from 27 countries.
#series #investigation #paperexcellence #britishcolumbia #pulp #paper #canadian #forests #largest #company #northamerica #deforestation #international #consortium #investigative #journalists #icij
In Rumänien fällt die #Holzmafia illegal Bäume in alten, geschützten Wäldern. #Wälder, die eigentlich zentral sind im Kampf gegen die #Klimakrise.
Die Journalisten @B_Strunz und @engert erzählen von ihrer #Recherche (die Geschichte hinter der Geschichte):
(wie Journos arbeiten)
#korruption #investigativ #DeforestationInc. #ICIJ #medienbildung
#medienbildung #icij #deforestationinc #investigativ #korruption #recherche #klimakrise #walder #holzmafia
I've been reading the latest ICIJ investigation on Deforestation Inc.
Great reporting, depressing subject.
I want to know: how do we get to reforestation inc?
Une enquête du Consortium international des journalistes d'investigation (ICIJ) conclut à du laxisme dans l'attribution des certificats attestant que des produits forestiers ne sont pas liés à la déforestation ou à des régimes autoritaires violant les droits humains.
Environmental auditors approve green labels for products linked to deforestation and authoritarian regimes
#Environnement #Forêts #AuditEnvironnemental #ICIJ
#environnement #forets #auditenvironnemental #icij
How to use ICIJ's Offshore Leaks database (part 3): https://youtu.be/2O5hxhyFWMI
#icij #icijorg #taxhavens #offshoreproviders #offshorecompanies
#icij #icijorg #taxhavens #offshoreproviders #offshorecompanies
How to use ICIJ's Offshore Leaks database (part 2): https://youtu.be/m4bPdZTNS5o
#icij #icijorg #taxhavens #offshoreproviders #offshorecompanies
#icij #icijorg #taxhavens #offshoreproviders #offshorecompanies
How to use ICIJ's Offshore Leaks database (part 1): https://youtu.be/k0G83QXrMWA
#icij #icijorg #taxhavens #offshoreproviders
#icij #icijorg #taxhavens #offshoreproviders
ALL TECH IS RUN BY #algorithms. Let's be honest! When #dnc tells anyone to #suppress, algorithms are used to do so. #THEDEMOCRATS ARE NO LESS #ABUSIVE THAN #GOP
When #victims try to survive #BOTHPARTIES BLOCK ACCES TO #LIFE. The abuse of any life is abhorrent, but targeting victims is #SuperParasitic #unwomen #un #icij #ap #metoo #EpsteinIsland #lolitaexpress #LOLITAISMYMOTHER
#algorithms #dnc #suppress #thedemocrats #abusive #gop #pedophile #liberty #victims #bothparties #life #superparasitic #unwomen #un #icij #ap #metoo #epsteinisland #lolitaexpress #lolitaismymother #pandorasbox #pandora #whistleblower
2.17.23 I continue to be hacked, all access to the outside world blocked, communications blocked, news censored. Access to information, resources, aid, relief blocked, income, inheritance, credentials blocked. Still #targeted #slandered #tortured scaoegoated, denied #humanrights. As America escalates apartheid globally, #ethniccleansing on U.S. soil continues with absolute tyranny & impuntiy. Predators propagandized as heroes, victims labeled #Hitler #unpatriotic #witches #crazy
#ICIJ #AP #un
#targeted #slandered #tortured #humanrights #ethniccleansing #hitler #unpatriotic #witches #crazy #icij #ap #un
2.17.23 America continues to run #counter #insurgency operations against marginalized #civilians deploying every aspect of the industrial military complex. While ALL WESTERN LEADERSHIP TURNS A BLIND EYE the most vulnerable are #targeted #abused, scaoegoated, killed. NO ONE IN LEADERSHIP works to protect life, Earth, the future. The escalation of war is used as cover for predators, this is an M.E.E. event perpetuated by WESTERN LEADERSHIP. #Unitednations #unwomen #ICIJ #AP
#pandorasbox #PANDORA
#counter #insurgency #civilians #targeted #abused #unitednations #unwomen #icij #ap #pandorasbox #pandora
Weird to see that publications that we used to think of as credible or decent will actively spread #medical disinformation that will cause serious harm in order to maximize #clicks.
#controversy translates into #eyeballs
#bothsidesism means controversy
#Journalists #Editors and #Publishers know exactly what they are doing when they spread disinformation about #masks or #ventilation in preventing #covid
#Money and #Profits are no excuse for undermining public safety
#medical #clicks #controversy #eyeballs #bothsidesism #journalists #editors #publishers #masks #ventilation #covid #money #profits #ire #nicar #icij
French MPs To Investigate Uber's Lobbying Of Public Officials
"The #UberFiles, an investigation led by #ICIJ and The Guardian and published by dozens of media outlets last year, examined the ride-hailing company’s aggressive push into new markets.
"The exposé detailed how the company secretly lobbied powerbrokers, broke the law and exploited violence against drivers for its public relations ends."
As US-Style Corporate Leniency Deals For Bribery And Corruption Go Global, Repeat Offenders Are On The Rise
"An #ICIJ analysis finds a surge in closed-door non-prosecution agreements, with more governments allowing companies to pay to settle cases. But deep-pocketed firms keep breaking the law."