RT @katehamptongray
Sometimes, the arc of the moral universe is visible. Well done to #Pacific #youth and to #Vanuatu especially #ClimateEmergency #ClimateAction #ICJAO4Climate Thanks also to the nations bearing historic responsibility who didn't shy away from #ClimateJustice https://twitter.com/pisfcc/status/1641086028038692864
#pacific #youth #vanuatu #climateemergency #climateaction #icjao4climate #climatejustice
RT @LossandDamage
1/3. 📢GOOD NEWS! The @UN General Assembly (#UNGA) have adopted a resolution proposed by @VanuatuUN and a core group of states to seek an advisory opinion on #ClimateChange and #HumanRights from the International Court of Justice (@CIJ_ICJ). #ICJAO4Climate 🧵
#UNGA #climatechange #humanrights #icjao4climate
The UNGA has tasked @CIJ_ICJ with issuing an advisory opinion on climate change and human rights.
This is huge. Kudos @AdamLawSchool colleague @mwewerinke et al.! #ICJAO4Climate #ICJAO https://t.co/XtTkM1YTBX
BREEK: de VN stemt in met de resolutie van Vanuatu! Het Internationaal Gerechtshof moet zich nu uitspreken over de verantwoordelijkheid voor de klimaatcrisis. Het advies van het hof is niet bindend, maar zal impact hebben op klimaatrechtszaken over heel de wereld. #ICJAO4Climate
RT @fossiltreaty
“For low-lying countries, it’s an existential threat. We need the global community to act.” @odo_tevi @VanuatuUN
Great piece in the @guardian on tomorrows historic vote on the #ICJAO4Climate resolution in the UN General Assembly https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/28/we-are-very-vulnerable-cyclone-hit-vanuatu-pins-climate-hopes-on-un-vote?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
RT @VanuatuUN
Hold on to your seats folks and mark your calendars, we have official confirmation for the date of adoption, 10am March 29 at the General Assembly Hall. #Vanuatu and the #ICJAO4Climate Core Group looks forward to all member states joining in adopting the http://undocs.org/A/77/L.58… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1634315101460217858
RT @majedbamya
State of Palestine is proud to be among cosponsors of draft resolution requesting advisory opinion of @CIJ_ICJ on obligations of States in respect of #ClimateChange. Thank you @VanuatuUN & core group for historic initiative. 🇵🇸 is proud to be part of #ICJAO4Climate for peoples… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1632890235716616193
RT @oxfamnovib
Wauw! Nederland en meer dan 100 andere landen ondersteunen de #ICJAO4Climate resolutie ✊✊
De hoogste tijd voor #klimaatrechtvaardigheid.
#VoteYESForClimateJustice @WY4CJ @pisfcc https://twitter.com/VanuatuUN/status/1631014678754217988
#voteyesforclimatejustice #klimaatrechtvaardigheid #icjao4climate
RT @VanuatuUN
Incredible effort by the #ICJAO4Climate Core Group (🇻🇺🇦🇴🇦🇬🇧🇩🇨🇷🇫🇲🇲🇦🇲🇿🇳🇿🇩🇪🇱🇮🇵🇹🇷🇴🇼🇸🇸🇱🇸🇬🇺🇬🇻🇳) and UN member states, after we issued the L doc we had 105 co-sponsors! Appreciate the active engagement here at the UN during consultations, as well as Vanuatu's diplomatic envoys around… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1631014678754217988
RT @VanuatuUN
After several rounds of consultations with the UN membership, today the #ICJAO4Climate Core Group members (🇻🇺🇦🇴🇦🇬🇧🇩🇨🇷🇫🇲🇲🇦🇲🇿🇳🇿🇵🇹🇷🇴🇼🇸🇸🇱🇸🇬🇺🇬🇻🇳) uploaded the draft resolution to the UN portal and are seeking co-sponsors. Member states who wish to be listed on the L doc please note… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1627702408728944647
RT @duycks
🔥📢⚖️happening tomorrow at 🇺🇳#UN: formal presentation to States of the draft resolution requesting an Advisory Opinion on #ClimateJustice from the World’s Highest Court @CIJ_ICJ, backed by core group of 18 States from all continents
#ICJAO4Climate #EndorseTheAO
A short thread 🧵
#un #climatejustice #icjao4climate #endorsetheao
RT @duycks@twitter.com
🔥📢⚖️happening tomorrow at 🇺🇳#UN: formal presentation to States of the draft resolution requesting an Advisory Opinion on #ClimateJustice from the World’s Highest Court @CIJ_ICJ@twitter.com, backed by core group of 18 States from all continents
#ICJAO4Climate #EndorseTheAO
A short thread 🧵
#un #ClimateJustice #icjao4climate #endorsetheao