My new hobby: sending a song's lyrics to a random computer via ICMP echo in the data section.
First up: Custer by Slipknot to
Did you know the command traceroute is sending "SUPERMAN" as data in the UDP packet?
The other day was learning about the difference between tracert and traceroute, and noticed that when sniffing.
Couldn't find anything online but the source code (added in comment) of where it sens SUPERMAN.
#Wireshark #traceroute #udp #linux #SUPERMAN #networking #ICMP
#icmp #networking #superman #Linux #udp #traceroute #wireshark
What if I told you you can store your data in ping packets? 🤯
🚀 **pingfs:** store data in Internet itself as ICMP Echo packets (pings) travelling from you to remote servers and back again.
⭐ GitHub:
❄️ "*True cloud storage"*
Entendiendo la red: topologías, protocolos y comandos de ejemplo para diagnosticar problemas básicos
#ARP #Blog #Consola #DHCP #DNS #dsniff #ICMP #IP #namp #Network #ssh #SysAdmin #TCP #tcpdump #Terminal #traceroute #tshark #tty #UDP
#arp #blog #consola #dhcp #dns #dsniff #icmp #ip #namp #network #ssh #sysadmin #tcp #tcpdump #terminal #traceroute #tshark #tty #udp
📬 Sicherheitslücke: Dein WLAN-Router lässt Angreifer schnüffeln
#ITSicherheit #HiSilicon #ICMP #ICMPRedirect #MITM #Ping #Qualcomm #WiFiRouter #WLANRouter #WPA
#wpa #WLANRouter #wifirouter #qualcomm #ping #mitm #icmpredirect #icmp #hisilicon #itsicherheit
With #ICMP magic, you can snoop on vulnerable #HiSilicon, #Qualcomm-powered Wi-Fi
A vulnerability identified in at least 55 Wi-Fi router models can be exploited by miscreants to spy on victims' data as it's sent over a wireless network.
Nowy „ping śmierci”, który celuje w Windowsy. Krytyczna podatność: (ICMP) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. CVE-2023-23415
Niedawno wydana łatka została przygotowana dla praktycznie wszystkich wersji Windows (serwerowe – od Windows Server 2008 w górę oraz klienckie). Opis jest dość skąpy, poza wskazaniem że podatność jest krytyczna, eksploitacja nie wymaga uwierzytelnienia, oraz jest związana z fragmentacją IP: An attacker could send a low-level protocol error containing a...
#WBiegu #Icmp #Rce #Windows
Kurioserweise betrifft es hauptsächlich #ICMP und andere Protokolle funktionieren .. wobei wir auch sehen .. dass es beim VPN hapert ...
Ever wondered how big ICMP errors can get? Well.. I got an answer for you in today's Packet Tuesday!… #packetlife #pcaps #icmp #inpcapswetrust #packets #sec503
#packetlife #pcaps #icmp #inpcapswetrust #packets #sec503
"#Tetris is an inventory management horror game."
So true. So #geeky. So #funny. Absurd and completely worth your time!
#chainSaws #nes #blockStorage #icmp #dataStorage #data #jokes
#tetris #geeky #funny #chainsaws #nes #blockstorage #icmp #datastorage #data #jokes
Nmap Live Host Discovery - I have just completed this room! Check it out: #tryhackme #security #network #networking #mapping #HostDiscovery #ARP #TCP #UDP #ICMP #Nmap via @realtryhackme
#nmap #icmp #udp #TCP #arp #hostdiscovery #mapping #networking #network #security #tryhackme
The 🦈 Wireshark Filters room by Chris Greer on TryHackMe was designed to be solved with Wireshark. As a challenge, I tried solving it using my PacketSafari SaaS app.
🚀 This is the first part of a series showing how to tackle typical packet analysis tasks using PacketSafari
#tryhackme #wireshark #network #packetsafari #arp #tcp #icmp #ip
#tryhackme #wireshark #network #packetsafari #arp #tcp #icmp #ip
Fire(wall)walking – spacer po zaporze ogniowej ( ) #firewall #iptables #linux #security #ping #icmp #traceroute #twittermigration
#firewall #iptables #linux #security #ping #icmp #traceroute #twittermigration
Ping of death! FreeBSD fixes crashtastic bug in network tool - It's a venerable program, and this version had a venerable bug in it. #bufferoverflow #vulnerability #freebsd #icmp #ping
#ping #icmp #freebsd #vulnerability #bufferoverflow
What Causes ICMP Redirects? « blog
Solid progress on #ICMP support in #HareLang today. It least it is tested and working. Needs some more touches and some actual network testing, but I am pleased so far.