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@icij @un @amnesty_digital_de @hrw @hrw_fr The world can't sustain another guidepost being ignored. NOW! FULL ACTIVATION.

#icoop #secdef

Last updated 1 year ago

0 followers · 775 posts · Server mastodon.social

Are for saying the way people are? @CIA @fbi It was never about that. It's ALWAYS been about . But how many of you knew that you were elevating a predatory that intends to wipe out out 97% of ALL ON ? Even & said "we go too far".

I'll say it again run EVERY simulation you & Ai can fathom. What happens if we remain on this trajectory? !

#insurgents #attacked #DEFUND #black #dhs #dod #ethniccleansing #regime #life #earth #ghwbush #donaldrumsfeld #secdef #annihilation #icoop #pandorasbox #pandora

Last updated 1 year ago