Wrapping up the thought-provoking presentations to get us thinking about international #OccupationalTherapyEducation at #ICOTE2023 is the Elizabeth Casson Trust https://elizabethcasson.org.uk/ revisiting the theme of diversification and empowerment, not simply replicating Western approaches in environments everywhere, but enabling others to solve their own problems.
#icote2023 #occupationaltherapyeducation
Some interesting insights into the international #OccupationalTherapyEducation situation in the United states at #ICOTE2023. "Declining applications a combinaton of all PESTEL factors" says Nancy Krusen. Striking illustration of how the education of the workforce for high quality health care is at the mercy of many of the same societal factors that drive the need for more of that healthcare. Hmmm....
#icote2023 #occupationaltherapyeducation
Next up in international #OccupationalTherapyEducation at #ICOTE2023 we hear from Hong Kong. Wing Ip has the excitement ramped up with virtual reality as an engaging medium for service users and students alike.
#icote2023 #occupationaltherapyeducation
At #ICOTE2023 in perspectives from Hong Kong by Wing Ip, he notes the opportunities of long covid service innovations for #OccupationalTherapyEducation
#icote2023 #occupationaltherapyeducation
Now #ICOTE2023 moves consideration of international #OccupationalTherapyEducation to Kenya thanks to Tabitha Rangara
#occupationaltherapyeducation #icote2023
With my colleague Merrolee Penman, I've just shared some thoughts on the feedforward systems between health and social change, higher education change, and occupational therapy placements with the international #OccupationalTherapyEducation audience of #ICOTE2023
#icote2023 #occupationaltherapyeducation
Laura Reed from #OT_UEA is putting on our immediate #ICOTE2023 agenda ensuring "a focus on student/learner voice". I wonder how others have done this on an international scale within a discipline?
It's been great to have a break away, but getting right back into #OccupationalTherapyEducation with the first meeting of a group hosted by #OT_UEA on international considerations #ICOTE2023
#occupationaltherapyeducation #ot_uea #icote2023
Coming from a Western perspective myself, I am thrilled that so far diversity is a strong theme for our first #ICOTE2023 meeting on internaional perspectives on #OccupationalTherapyEducation hosted by #OT_UEA
#ot_uea #occupationaltherapyeducation #icote2023
Laura Read is telling the #ICOTE2023 group about the origins of this initiative in #OccupationalTherapyEducation from #UEA. Twitter was a spark to begin. I wonder if Mastodon also help us develop our networks?
#uea #occupationaltherapyeducation #icote2023
"Respect Share Listen Reflect Learn and Grow" sound like great instructions for #OccupationalTherapists at our first meeting on international perspectives on #OccupationalTherapyEducation - #ICOTE2023
#icote2023 #occupationaltherapyeducation #OccupationalTherapists
Very excited to see what develops from today's first meeting discussing International Considerations in Occupational Therapy Education #ICOTE2023 - hosted by the University of East Anglia www.uea.ac.uk