I finally remembered what I did with my Buckingham. I put it in a small tackle box to be used for a travelling #DnD #RPG #TTRPG gamemaster's kit. The box is a twin to this one, but without the dividers, from Plano, and it holds my #Filofax, my writing supplies, and paper tokens. The two boxes together make up the kit, and it's within arm's reach of my bed. I'd totally forgotten it was there. #ICRPG
#dnd #rpg #ttrpg #filofax #icrpg
SHINRU SHARKS - twice as big as great whites & vicious
🧡🧡🧡🧡 +6 Stats, +2 Effort, 2 Actions/Round
* Devouring Bite - Near reach, WEAPON x2
* Dive Deep - Vanish into the waves for 1d4 rounds , return with full HP
* Consume Prey - if foe is bitten, shark will consume, roll STR if fail drop to 0 HP & lose 1 loot
* Bull Push - Force foes away & into deeper water.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #ttrpg #alteredstate #cyberpunk #ttrpg
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #ttrpg #alteredstate #cyberpunk
Two lanes of unbroken & ruler straight blacktop makes for many nights of drag racing.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg
TERRALINK DIVERSIFIED's headquarters dominates the area casting long shadows, literal & figurative, across the area. TerraLink is known for their interstellar transport & communication work.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg #cyberpunk
LONDON WOLVES operate this small garage so they can keep tabs on Tu-Xing's offices across the way.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #cyberpunk #ttrpg
Employees are reporting waking nightmares and night terror. Tu-Xing has Ben assuring them all is completely normal.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #ttrpg #alteredstate
Raven Hadley - a former ArkTech & Tu-Xing employee means to get back at both mega corps by releasing a nerve agent into their HQs.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #cyberpunk #ttrpg
RUNEJAMMER - item, lockdown all SISTM activity in a 1 mile radius for 1d4 rounds.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg #cyberpunk
My paperback copy of #ICRPG came this morning - I love huge RPG tomes with a solid fantasy aesthetic and full colour art, I do, but a book that's ~A5 size and soft cover is way more physically accessible. I love it. It feels right for the game, too, given its DIY scrappy aesthetic. Good stuff!
ArkTech Headquarters stands like a beacon of ultra modern design with one hundred & fifty (150) floors of soul crushing offices, labs, data centers, and more.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg #cyberpunk
A 3 meter (10ft) tall wall separates parts of Arcon Garden from Iga Bay. While no individuals patrol the wall drones are often seen buzzing along this perimeter.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg
Inside an abandoned vehicle is a forgotten blade.
MONOMOLECULAR SWORD - weapon, damage explodes when die maxes & reroll if die is 3 or less.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg #cyberpunk
The Zoey Gupta Memorial Gazebo and Food Park is filled with all manner of folks enjoying food & open air.
#city23 #dungeon23 #ttrpg #icrpg #alteredstate
Runners WASTED NOODLES were last seen ducking into this subway entry after a group of mercenaries abused them as they were having dinner.
#city23 #dungeon23 #ICRPG #AlteredState #cyberpunk
(Inspired by the AS game I ran for #runejammer )
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #cyberpunk #runejammer
Tomorrow at 1PM Eastern I’ll be chatting with two of the minds behind the #ICRPG #RuneJammer2023 even that’s happening right now. should be fun!
Attached to this building's SISTM interface and distribution is a DARBY - Data Acquisition Relay with Biocomputational Yield - allowing the owner to track users anywhere after use of SISTM in or near the building
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg #cyberpunk
Below the Garden are a series of labs and such which have been working on restoration of lost and endangered native plants, as well as experimenting with long extinct species and some plant-animal hybridization.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg #cyberpunk
Soon the containment protocols on the re-engineered MEGALANAIA, a long extinction monitor lizard, will fail unleashing a dozen into the area.
🧡🧡 +2 STATS, Tough Hide (-2 dmg all physical), Bite - 2xWEAPON, Tail-whip - DEX or Prone.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg #cyberpunk
SIS Tactical Psychics - biologically & technologically enhanced individuals
🧡🧡🧡🧡, +4 STATS, +2 EFFORT, (2) RAGE dice, 2 Actions
(2) Random psychic powers, Tac Armor (-3 dmg from bullets), (2) Guns, & (1) Melee.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg #cyberpunk
This long underutilized terrace offers views into the gardens nearby as well as the office windows across the street.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg #cyberpunk