Mails die ik verstuur komen sinds kort systematisch terecht in de spamfolder van de ontvanger. Ook mail die ik aan mezelf verstuur… #mailprobleem #ICTproblemen
Clean my keyboard and mouse toroughly today 🤓. Here the friendly reminder that keyboards, mouses, and controllers are inherently gross and need regular cleaning. Thank your skin's sebun, dead skincells, and general dust the dirt is unavoidable.
Not even wanna talk about the possible horrors of people eating while using their hardware, pet hairs (and yes I got animals too, but that's just more reason to clean), and sweaty hands.
#keyboards #ictproblemen #itproblems #hygiene
ICT-problemen bij de Belastingdienst duren al zeker achttien jaar
#digid #belastingdienst #ictproblemen