Warnstreik Luftsicherheit Frankfurt 27.03.2023
Am 27. März 2023 ruft die V͟e͟r͟e͟i͟n͟t͟e͟ Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft die Beschäftigten mehrerer Unternehmen am Frankfurter...
#Bundesmanteltarifvertrag #BVD #Feuerwehrdiesmaldabei #FPS #Fraground #Fraport #Frasec #I-Sec #ICTS #ICTS Deutschland #Luftsicherheit #Manteltarifvertrag #MTV Aviation #Securitas Aviation #Streikaufruf #Tarifrunde Luftsicherheit 2022 #Warnstreik #Zuschläge
#bundesmanteltarifvertrag #bvd #feuerwehrdiesmaldabei #fps #fraground #fraport #frasec #i #icts #Luftsicherheit #manteltarifvertrag #mtv #securitas #streikaufruf #tarifrunde #Warnstreik #zuschlage
In anticipation of the 4th substantive session of the Open-Ended Working Group #OEWG on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies #ICTs 2021-2025, the CyberPeace Institute welcomes the opportunity to provide the following recommendations on the protection of humanitarian #NGOs.
Although the gender gap in access to #ICTs is slowly closing, women are still more digitally excluded, especially in rural areas.
Ensuring inclusive access to digitalization & other tools is key to achieving #GenerationEquality & agrifood systems transformation.
#womensday #GenerationEquality #icts
As fate would have it, I spent the next part of the year discussing #cybersecurity on platforms of #cyber #diplomacy with audiences of non-technical backgrounds. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as cyber diplomacy but I thought to myself, if these discussions have any impact on the work I’m doing, you bet I’ll do all I can to learn the ways of these negotiations 😁 Gaining firsthand experience in multilateral negotiations on #cyberspace at UN’s Open-Ended Working Group on the security of and in the use of #ICTs as a representative of #Rwanda 🇷🇼 was one of my proudest moments this year 😊
#cybersecurity #cyber #diplomacy #cyberspace #icts #rwanda