A post claims that "Hackers increasingly abuse Cloudflare Tunnels for stealthy connections"

Tunnels are supposed to create outbound-only connections to the Cloudflare network but are apparently also used "for nefarious purposes, such as gaining stealthy persistent access to the victim's network, evading detection, and exfiltrating compromised devices' data."


#cloudflare #abuse #cloud #cloudtunnel #cybersecurity #ictsecurity #itsecurity #infosec #security

Last updated 1 year ago

[en] Longread: Birth and Making of Surveillance Technology, Backdoors etc., Presumably to Oppress Racial Minorities etc.

Interesting read. Apparently shows involvement of Hikvision, Huawei, Dahua, according to the text. Might help the rest of the world to better understand why the US is inclined to ban such companies ...


#security #privacy #infosec #itsecurity #ictsecurity #backdoor #surveillance #dahua #huawei #hikvision #mediahighlights

Last updated 2 years ago

[de] E-Voting CH: Prof. A. Appel: "Von Hand" ist einzig sichere Methode

"Der aktuelle Stand der IT-Security-Wissenschaften lässt uns ... auf absehbare Zeit zum Schluss kommen, dass bei Wahlen Papierstimmzettel, die von Hand ausgefüllt ... nachgezählt ..., die einzig sichere Methode sind ..."

"... Eine Schwachstelle, die es Hackern ermöglicht, Schadsoftware auf Tausenden von Geräten von Wählern zu installieren."


#security #infosec #ictsecurity #evoting #onlinevoting

Last updated 2 years ago

[de] E-Voting CH: Prof. A. Appel: "Von Hand" ist einzig sichere Methode

"Der aktuelle Stand der IT-Security-Wissenschaften lässt uns ... auf absehbare Zeit zum Schluss kommen, dass bei Wahlen Papierstimmzettel, die von Hand ausgefüllt ... nachgezählt ..., die einzig sichere Methode sind ..."

"... Eine Schwachstelle, die es Hackern ermöglicht, Schadsoftware auf Tausenden von Geräten von Wählern zu installieren."


#security #infosec #ictsecurity #evoting #onlinevoting

Last updated 2 years ago

[en] Online voting provider paid for academic research in attempt to sway U.S. lawmakers

According to Cyberscoop, "Democracy Live [a voting technology company] directed academic research aimed at demonstrating its product's security and used that material in lobbying campaigns."


#democracylive #security #infosec #ictsecurity #evoting #onlinevoting

Last updated 2 years ago

"The notion of security doesn’t exist in a vacuum - it’s always about protecting something from someone or something else."

Prof. Carmela Troncoso, EPFL 2022 Best Teacher in Computer Science and Communication Systems is an international figure in data security and privacy.


#epfl #security #privacy #itsec #infosec #itsecurity #ictsecurity #datasecurity #researchhighlights

Last updated 2 years ago

Cryptography (sort of): Chromo-encryption method encodes secrets with color

"Crucially, in the chromo-encryption method, only the correct combination of polarization directions would reveal the secret message; light polarized in any other direction would reveal a series of colors corresponding to a nonsense message."


#eth #epfl #security #infosec #itsecurity #ictsecurity #chromoencryption #encryption #cryptography

Last updated 2 years ago

Digi-Oek.ch · @DigiOekCH
3 followers · 28 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

A picture says it all: How to build invincibly elegant and unbeatable

Ein Bild sagt alles: Inspiration für unschlagbare, absolute

Inspired by
Inspiriert von

#sicherheit #security #itsec #infosec #itsecurity #cybersecurity #satire #itsicherheit #ictsecurity

Last updated 2 years ago

Marco :vivaldi_red: · @markoo
32 followers · 672 posts · Server social.vivaldi.net

I2P, also known as Invisible Internet Project.
The best free and open source software for privacy and security.


#privacy #i2p #security #ictsecurity #ict #networkscience #networksecurity #networking

Last updated 2 years ago