, delighted to share our publication validating the DRSR98 as a delirium severity tool in critical illness . #weareICU #delirium #ICU
Hidden information on abdominal #CTscan of patients with digestive #sepsis ?
In our monocenter cohort, we were able to predict #AKI using #RadiomicAnalysis of the kidneys.
Interesting work led by Louis Boutin, PhD candidate in our team.
#ctscan #Sepsis #AKI #radiomicanalysis #CriticalCare #icu
“Use of #dexmedetomidine in critical-ill patients: is it time to look to the actual #evidence?”
#dex #icu #dexmedetomidine #evidence #CriticalCare #critcare #foamcc #sedation #pharmacology
I'm happy to see our new #openaccess paper released.
CONCLUSIONS: In well-recruitable ARDS models, a maximal compliance PEEP strategy improved end-expiratory/inspiratory whole-lung aeration and its homogeneity without overinflation ... reduced dynamic strain in middle-ventral regions and tidal recruitment in middle-dorsal areas ... suggesting that the strategy minimizes heterogeneity in dynamic tidal expansion.
#respiratoy #intensivist #intensivecare #icu #medtwitter #openaccess
@gpollara @DocEd #criticalcare and #icu seems to be used more or less to the same extent and interchangeably
(Even though I’d take the former to encompass more settings than just the actual ICU)
The debate on euthanasia seems to have flared up again in Denmark. Both sides talk about a "dignified death."
Whatever your stance, this hospital priests piece on what «a dignified death» means is worth a read (translate it from Danish) #icu #MedMastodon #death #dying #criticalcare #ethics #medicalethics
#icu #MedMastodon #death #dying #CriticalCare #ethics #medicalethics
Madonna developed a serious bacterial infection on Saturday, June 24, leading to a multi-day stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
#icu #infection #bacterial #serious #madonna
This is a disgusting display of entitlement and power. We must ensure that medical staff are safe and able to provide the best care for patients.
#PersonsBarge #ICU #Slap #Dissatisfied #Relative
#personsbarge #icu #slap #dissatisfied #relative
The staff members claimed that the kin was not satisfied with the treatment and was upset about stopping her medication. When the ICU in charge tried to diffuse the situation, one of them allegedly slapped the doctor and the other two pushed him around
#PersonsBarge #ICU #Slap #Dissatisfied #Relative
#personsbarge #icu #slap #dissatisfied #relative
I have hopes for #critcare and #icu Mastodon
I hope people will share and discuss experiences and thoughts from critical care, and interesting bits of research (their own and others)
I am hoping for more journals and critcare science outlets to join and share
I think it can be great with a collective effort, and in contrast to other outlets be less suceptible to the whims of billionairs
#foamed #FOAMEDcc #icu #medicine #research #intensivecare #intensivist
#critcare #icu #foamed #FOAMEDcc #medicine #research #intensivecare #intensivist
Not Long Left... New journal post: #hospice #hospital #mom #icu
Tamil Nadu Minister Senthil Balaji was shifted to the Kauvery Main Hospital in Chennai on Thursday from a government facility in the city
#SenthilBalaji #ICU #UndergoBypassSurgery
#senthilbalaji #icu #undergobypasssurgery
This is the reason why I'm still off sick from work. I just spent half an hour looking for a tea towel that was hanging off my shoulder.
You do not want an #ICU #Nurse who cannot find a tea towel that is hanging off his shoulder.
A note about urinary tract infection. Ever since I've had to self catheterise, #UTI 's have been a kind of Russian roulette. No matter how much I keep things sterile, having to pass a catheter 5 - 6 times a day renders me open to infection. A garden variety UTI is like being hit by a bus & stumbling around for 3 - 4 day like a Walking Dead zombie. This latest one has been like being hit by an Antonov aircraft. Brutal nausea. A kind of dementia that is f***ing scary & a desire to just curl up in a ball and shake for a week or so.
Tonight is the most human I've felt in 7 days. It's been awful. I had to attend a family function last weekend & I felt awful because I couldn't be up-vibe & interesting. I'm sure people thought I was a moody arsehole. I hate having to explain myself bc it's embarrassing & frankly, exhausting. I don't want to be one of those (older) people whose most interesting daily habits are sticking a piece of plastic tubing up their willy.
Anyway - I thought I did a good job with the dishes this morning - under the circumstances.
And another thing! Is it just me or is it a Nurse thing to feel guilty ridden about taking time off work due to illness? I hate this feeling but I also hate risking the welfare of my patients if I'm not at my best.
An update on improving search in "a few dozen languages":
"Big wiki projects have text in a lot of different languages—which use several dozen writing systems—as well as technical symbols, uncommon character variants, and all kinds of “interesting” formatting and typography. As much as possible, we want that kind of thing to be transparent to searchers."
#elasticsearch #unicode #icu #search #wikipedia #wikimedia
Yeah, don't do this.
"A woman who crushed up a whole black widow spider and injected it in an effort to get high in the 1990s ended up having a very bad time when the arachnid’s venom kicked in. The unpleasant trip saw her spend a few days in the intensive care unit (ICU) with breathing difficulties, muscle cramping, and possible anaphylaxis."
#ED #ICU #drugs #spiders #BlackWidow #substanceUseDisorder 💉 🕷️
#substanceusedisorder #blackwidow #spiders #drugs #icu #ed
learning about distinctions between AVMs and Venous Lakes
How's your Sunday going? #ICU #ICUlife
All the high tech are worthless if you haven’t the skilled staff
“ICU’s most powerful tool will always be skilled staff”
#foamcc #foamed #icu #MedMastodon