Phylogenetics represent at #ICVM2023! Looking forward to chat about character delineation in morphological datasets if that's your jam 💬
So many IOB authors gathered at #ICVM2023 !
If you're there and waiting for a talk to start, no better time to peruse
A Practical Guide to Sliding & Surface Semilandmarks in #Morphometric Analyses
by Bardua, Felice, Watanabe, Fabre, Goswami
Have a great talk @kassthefish !
And for all the #ICVM2023 goers,
don't miss Ford et al's free read
#Convergence is Only Skin Deep: #Craniofacial #Evolution in #Electric #Fishes from South America and Africa
by Ford, Peterson, Bernt, Albert
#icvm2023 #convergence #craniofacial #evolution #electric #fishes