@ewdocparris <excerpt from psychological report, employee #ID10T-547892A, Perlgrod-Teilmann Space Mining Corp>
"Even as a young child, Bruce had shown an unnaturally strong interest in misadventures, an interest only matched by his disregard for rules, common sense, and bodily preservation. Notable from this period was an attempt at stealing a vintage mid-20th Century Morris Minor automobile from the model London exhibit at the National Museum, where he not only managed to start the vehicle, but also gained enough velocity to launch it straight through the reinforced DiamondGlass front observation panel. This incident led to both his first major nanomedical reconstruction, and the start of his extensive juvenile criminal record.”
These are the adventures of Bruce, space raconteur and inept but loving husband.
#TIL if you have carefull crafted, written right up to the character limit a post, & then you get a notification that someone liked a witty post & then attempt to #edit a spelling error in the noticed post, #Mastodon does NOT pop-up "are you sure you want to throw away very long post & try to recreate it from memory just so you can insert the letter i?"
"You just can't trust these things to stop your own stupidity" He learned this day...again.
#id10t #ux #ui #editpoof #Mastodon #edit #TIL
Spend about 15 minutes troubleshooting why `pylint` didn't work. It was installed and worked a few minutes before. Turned out I typed `pytlint` instead of `pylint`. #python #pogramming #id10t
A hilarious #job "offer" by #CanadaPost. They are looking for a #postmaster in remote #Atlin, #BC. The pay is only about $660 a week - but the employee must pay for #rent, #heat, repair, insurance, everything of the post office (a facility they must establish first). Plus, a month before employment begins, they must already provide the facility. Atlin is at the #Northern edge of BC, so heating costs are serious. Whoever takes that "job" is a #philantropist or an #ID10T.
#job #canadapost #postmaster #atlin #bc #rent #heat #northern #philantropist #id10t