* bump *
RT @id24conf@twitter.com
Do you run a local meetup about web development, inclusive design, accessibility? On 10 October 2019, why not make it an #id24-local (formerly #id24u) event https://inclusivedesign24.org/2019/id24-local/ - we provide the conference, you provide the social get-together.
Other venues hosting #id24 streams:
RT @id24conf@twitter.com
Woot! We now have #id24u events happening in Canberra, Bangalore, Amherst MA, New York NY, Lincoln NE, Ann Arbor MI, Flagstaff AZ, and Los Angeles CA! If you're gathering to watch Inclusive Design 24 live as it happens, let us know - More info here https://inclusivedesign24.org/2018/id24u/
Reminder — you can host your own #id24 event (#id24u). Tips and cities to join: https://inclusivedesign24.org/2018/id24u/
(I cannot run one in #Buffalo as I am co-hosting)
If you attend a hosted #id24 event (#id24u), then pants (or skirt or kilt or…) are almost definitely required.
RT @id24conf@twitter.com
There's still time to organise a meetup, find space in your offices, or hold a house-party to watch #id24 live as it happens! Checkout the #id24u events happening in #Sydney #Melbourn #Canberra #LosAngeles #Boston #London & #Bangalor https://inclusivedesign24.org/id24u
#id24 #id24u #sydney #melbourn #canberra #losangeles #boston #london #bangalor
Hey, if you want to run/attend an #id24 event (viewing party with a11y talks provided for free), check who else is:
We just published the (preliminary) list of #id24u events at https://inclusivedesign24.org/2018/id24u/
If you organise a meetup, have space in your offices, or want to make it a house party, #id24 is perfect for sharing - we provide the conference, you provide the social. Let us know!