Ida Lupino poses on a diving board at Arrowhead Springs resort, ca. 1943. Photo by Bert Six for Warner Bros.
Ida Lupino demonstrating the new Texas license plates, Oct. 1934
“Here is one of the 1935 Texas automobile license plates. The letters are white and the background chocolate brown. The girl is Ida Lupino, Paramount film star.”
#idalupino #licenseplates #texas #hollywood
Ida Lupino demonstrating the new Texas license plates, Oct. 1934
“Here is one of the 1935 Texas automobile license plates. The letters are white and the background chocolate brown. The girl is Ida Lupino, Paramount film star.”
#idalupino #licenseplates #texas #hollywood
Edith Barrett, Ida Lupino and Elsa Lanchester in the thriller, “Ladies in Retirement” (1941)
Reminder that this is now on Criterion Channel as part of their Noir By Gaslight collection!
#IdaLupino #ElsaLanchester #CriterionChannel #NoirByGaslight
#idalupino #elsalanchester #criterionchannel #noirbygaslight
Ida Lupino in a scene from “Pullow to Post” (1945) — a wartime screwball comedy.
#hollywood #comedies #idalupino
Courtroom scene in the comedy, “One Rainy Afternoon” (1936). Francis Lederer with arm around Ida Lupino, while Joseph Cawthorn and Erik Rhodes look on.
#hollywood #comedies #idalupino
Color portrait of Ida Lupino in Movie Play, winter 1945.
“Lovely Ida Lupino's fans are anxiously awaiting release of Warner Brothers’ ‘Devotion’”
Ida Lupino and a woman I don’t recognize in a photo that seems to have been meant for a refrigerator ad, ca. 1936. Photo by Charles E. Bulloch.
Anyone up for some Knudsen’s Old Fashioned Luncheese?
#oldhollywood #idalupino #vintagead
Ida Lupino, 1943
“A weird yarn which has no foundation was recently circulated. The story that I don various wigs so I will not be recognized. Silly! I am seldom recognized in public. I confess to a childish delight when it does happen. Excited and elated, I am almost as eager to sign an autograph as the recognizers seem in securing it. Their enthusiasm reassures me when I suffer my agonies of uncertainty over my performance.”
#UnapallottolaperRoy di #RaoulWalsh Il genere gangster nasce a partire dagli anni Trenta, quando Hollywood scopre il fascino che hanno i banditi come Dillinger o Bonnie e Clyde sul grande pubblico. Sono senza dubbio criminali sanguinari ed eroi negativi, ma che fondano la loro rabbia e la loro fame di soldi e potere sulle rovine della Grande Depressione. In fondo, molti li considerano gli unici... #UnoFilm #UnoCinema #film #cinema #idalupino #humpreybogart #johnhuston
#unapallottolaperroy #RaoulWalsh #unofilm #unocinema #film #cinema #idalupino #humpreybogart #johnhuston
Ida Lupino with Harry Harvey in a scene from the thriller, “Woman in Hiding” (1949)
#oldhollywood #idalupino #womaninhiding
Ida Lupino in uniform as a lieutenant in the Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corps in early 1942.
She joined the WADC and began training in mid-1941 in anticipation of returning to her native England to assist the war effort there. Her focus changed after the Pearl Harbor attack, of course.
Ida Lupino and Howard Duff in a scene from a 1957 episode of their sitcom “Mr. Adams and Eve” — possibly the episode that is a take off on the “This is Your Life” program.
#classictv #mradamsandeve #idalupino #howardduff
Ida Lupino’s breakout performance in “They Drive By Night” is often noted for her courtroom breakdown near the end. Yet my favorite parts of her performance are earlier—seeing her transition from frustrated wife to opportunistic murderer to conniving criminal to tormented psycho.
Ida Lupino, George Raft, Ann Sheridan appear to dance down the yellow brick road while working on “They Drive By Night” (1940)
#tcmparty #annsheridan #georgeraft #idalupino
Celebrating the Criterion release of “High Sierra” in 2021, I delved into the purported feud between Bogart and co-star Ida Lupino. This turns out to be a fascinating story that, fortunately, ended with the two becoming good friends.
Lupino said of Bogart many years later: "When he liked you and he believed in you, he was the most loyal, wonderful guy in the whole wide world."
#HumphreyBogart #IdaLupino
#HighSierra #TCMParty
#humphreybogart #idalupino #highsierra #tcmparty
Ninety years ago yesterday, Aug. 26, 1933, Ida Lupino arrives in New York on her journey from London to Hollywood.
“Introducing Ida” says the New York Daily News.
“ALL SMILES, Ida Lupino, daughter of Stanley Lupino, well known British comedian, arrives on S. S. Berengaria.
She is Hollywood bound, of course.”
Ninety years ago yesterday, Aug. 26, 1933, Ida Lupino arrives in New York on her journey from London to Hollywood.
“Introducing Ida” says the New York Daily News.
“ALL SMILES, Ida Lupino, daughter of Stanley Lupino, well known British comedian, arrives on S. S. Berengaria.
She is Hollywood bound, of course.”
Paul Henreid and Ida Lupino taking a break at the Warner Bros. commissary while filming “In Our Time” (1944)
#hollywood #paulhenreid #idalupino
Gail Patrick, Jack Benny and Ida Lupino in the Paramount musical comedy “Artists and Models” (1939). Directed by Raoul Walsh.
#oldhollywood #musicals #jackbenny #idalupino