I’m puzzled the photos above get used in the wrong context so often, given that there are plenty of good photos of Ida Lupino actually as director. Here are a couple, both from her 1950 film “Outrage”.
#idalupinodirecting #idalupino
I’m puzzled these two photos get used in the wrong context so often, given that there are plenty of good photos of Ida Lupino actually as director. Here are a couple, both from her 1950 film “Outrage”.
#idalupinodirecting #idalupino
“Direction by Ida Lupino. A lady with ideas, Ida likes being the boss… and a good one!” — Movie Pix magazine, June 1951
Lots of great photos here of Lupino and her cast and crew, including Claire Trevor and Sally Forrest, working on “Hard, Fast and Beautiful” (1951)
#oldhollywood #idalupino #idalupinodirecting
Director Ida Lupino working with stars Edmond O’Brien and Frank Lovejoy on location for “The Hitch-Hiker” (1953)
#oldhollywood #idalupinodirecting #thehitchhiker #idalupino
Director Ida Lupino working with stars Edmond O’Brien and Frank Lovejoy on location for “The Hitch-Hiker” (1953)
#oldhollywood #idalupinodirecting #thehitchhiker #idalupino
Director Ida Lupino with the stars of her first two independent productions, Sally Forrest and Keefe Brasselle — while working on “Never Fear” (1949)
#idalupinodirecting #neverfear #idalupino #oldhollywood
To counteract some of the articles and other sources that claim Ida Lupino fell into directing by accident, here’s a quote from mid-1942, over six years before the “accident”:
“I've always thought that some day I'd quit acting and try my hand at directing. I've been fortunate in working with a number of fine directors and I've learned much from each of them. Also I have theories of my own I'd like a chance to test and develop.”
#oldhollywood #idalupino #idalupinodirecting
“Directing keeps you in a constant state of first-night nerves. You may be terrified at first but you must not let it show on the set. Nothing goes according to Hoyle. Reshuffle your schedule. Keep your sense of humor. Don’t panic. I sometimes wonder how anything gets on film!” — Ida Lupino
#oldhollywood #idalupino #idalupinodirecting
Director Ida Lupino instructs star Richard Boone in a scene of the television western “Have Gun, Will Travel”, Dec. 1958
#ClassicTV #IdaLupino #RichardBoone #HaveGunWillTravel #IdaLupinoDirecting
#classictv #idalupino #richardboone #havegunwilltravel #idalupinodirecting
Director Ida Lupino and cinematographer Archie Stout pose in front of a poster of their second film collaboration, “Outrage” (1950), while working on their third, “Hard, Fast and Beautiful” (1950).
#idalupinodirecting #idalupino #classicfilm #oldmovies
Producer-Director Ida Lupino #BOTD at the center of a parade of her colleagues at her company The Filmakers during production of “Hard, Fast and Beautiful” (1951)
#botd #idalupinodirecting #idalupino #filmakers #classicfilm
1950: “Police Officer Jack Clisby confers with Director Ida Lupino and Mala Powers (right) for the next scene in Filmakers’ ‘Outrage,’ which co-stars Mala with Tod Andrews”
#ClassicHollywood #OldMovies #ClassicFilm #IdaLupino #IdaLupinoDirecting #Outrage
#classichollywood #oldmovies #classicfilm #idalupino #idalupinodirecting #outrage
“Police Officer Jack Clisby confers with Director Ida Lupino and Mala Powers (right) for the next scene in Filmakers’ ‘Outrage,’ which co-stars Mala with Tod Andrews”
#ClassicHollywood #OldMovies #ClassicFilm #IdaLupino #IdaLupinoDirecting #Outrage
#classichollywood #oldmovies #classicfilm #idalupino #idalupinodirecting #outrage
1958: “Putting up a brave front, actress Ida Lupino shouts out orders as the first lady director of a TV western. The petite star confessed that she was quaking inside while putting the tough-guy actors through their paces on CBS-TV’s ‘Have Gun — Will Travel’”
#ClassicTV #HaveGunWillTravel #Westerns #IdaLupino #IdaLupinoDirecting
#classictv #havegunwilltravel #westerns #idalupino #idalupinodirecting
Director Ida Lupino discusses a brawl scene with actors Richard Boone (right) and Don Megowan — for an episode of “Have Gun, Will Travel” aired Sep. 12, 1959
#OldHollywood #ClassicHollywood #ClassicTV #HaveGunWillTravel #IdaLupino #IdaLupinoDirecting
#oldhollywood #classichollywood #classictv #havegunwilltravel #idalupino #idalupinodirecting
Director Ida Lupino taking a water break on the set of “Hard, Fast and Beautiful” (1951), starring Claire Trevor and Sally Forrest
#IdaLupinoDirecting #IdaLupino #OldHollywood #ClassicFilm #ClassicHollywood
#idalupinodirecting #idalupino #oldhollywood #classicfilm #classichollywood
Producer-Director Ida Lupino at the center of a parade of her colleagues at her company The Filmakers during production of “Hard, Fast and Beautiful” (1951).
#ClassicFilm #OldHollywood #ClassicHollywood #IdaLupino #IdaLupinoDirecting
#classicfilm #oldhollywood #classichollywood #idalupino #idalupinodirecting
Director Ida Lupino, with actress Judi Meredith, star Earl Holliman and others looking on, working on the episode of “Hotel de Paree” called “The Man Who Believed in Law”— aired Nov. 27, 1959
#idalupinodirecting #idalupino #classichollywood #classictv
Ida Lupino, 1959
“The famed film star is directing ‘The Only Man in Town’, an episode of CBS-TV’s weekly series ‘Hotel de Paree’. Viewers can judge Ida’s behind-the -scenes talent when the show is presented on November 27.”
#classichollywood #classictv #idalupinodirecting