Happy anniversary to Dead Or Alive’s album, ‘Sophisticated Boom Boom’. Released this week in 1984. #deadoralive #peteburns #sophisticatedboomboom #mistycircles #whatiwant #iddoanything #thatstheway #zeusbheld
#deadoralive #peteburns #sophisticatedboomboom #mistycircles #whatiwant #iddoanything #thatstheway #zeusbheld
Why is Purina advertising dog food on TV using a show tune (from “Oliver”), sung in the show by a hooker to her pimp - whose day job is exploiting orphans and making them into criminals?
#iddoanything #purina #proplan #totallyinappropriate
Happy 40th anniversary to Dead Or Alive’s single, “I’d Do Anything”. Released this week in 1983. #deadoralive #peteburns #iddoanything #sophisticatedboomboom
#deadoralive #peteburns #iddoanything #sophisticatedboomboom