Having explained and introduced open-source identity and access management (IAM) over the past 12 years, many companies lack a working, all-encompassing system in their IT. Thus, it is very uplifting that IAM is one of the top considerations for cybersecurity and IT spending in the future. Let's hope that Team8's survey, as summarized by CSO Online, turns out to be true. It would undoubtedly move us toward a secure future.
#cybersecurity #identityandaccessmanagement
#cybersecurity #identityandaccessmanagement
🎓 #InAcademia, the real-time online student validation service, has continued to grow in 2022!
The service is now operational in 🇳🇱 🇩🇪 🇩🇰 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇸🇪 🇹🇷 🇦🇹 🇮🇸 🇫🇮
Read about #NRENs activities in Trust & Identity (and much more) in the 2022 GÉANT #Compendium of NRENs 👉
More about InAcademia at https://inacademia.org
#TrustAndIdentity #IAM #IdentityAndAccessManagement #eduGAIN #authentication #validation #privacy #students #academia
#academia #students #Privacy #validation #authentication #EduGain #identityandaccessmanagement #iam #trustandidentity #compendium #nrens #inacademia
The Trust & Identity Incubator invites all community members to attend the final demo for its first iteration in the GN5-1 project.
Join the session to find out about the latest T&I developments👉https://connect.geant.org/2023/08/30/trust-identity-incubator-demo-online-7-september-2023
🧑💻 Online
🗓️ 7 September 2023
🕐 13:00-15:00 CEST
#TrustAndIdentity #IdentityAndAccessManagement #IAM #eduroam
#eduroam #iam #identityandaccessmanagement #trustandidentity
Membership of #eduGAIN - the #interfederation service simplifying access to content, services & resources for the global #Research & #Education community - continues to grow!
2015: 2,500 entities
2022: >8,000 entities!
Read more in the 2022 GÉANT #Compendium of National Research and Education Networks (#NRENs) in Europe 👉 https://resources.geant.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Compendium-2022-2023-IX.pdf
#TrustAndIdentity #IAM #IdentityAndAccessManagement #students #researchers #IdentityFederations #IdentityProviders
#identityproviders #identityfederations #researchers #students #identityandaccessmanagement #iam #trustandidentity #nrens #compendium #Education #Research #interfederation #EduGain
Are you looking for a paid #internship or #WorkPlacement as a #Student or #YoungProfessional which will provide you with training and guidance from Trust & Identity (T&I) experts?
Sponsored by #NRENs, the #Trust & #Identity Incubator Mentorship Programme is open for applicants until 25 August!
#TrustAndIdentity #GÉANT #internships #IAM #Identityandaccessmanagement #learning
#learning #identityandaccessmanagement #iam #Internships #geant #trustandidentity #identity #trust #nrens #youngprofessional #student #workplacement #internship
The next #eduGAIN & #REFEDS Town Hall will take place in Stockholm, Sweden on 10-11 October.
Join the event to catch up with colleagues from across the community & to find out about the latest developments in the #Trust & #Identity space.
Register here https://events.geant.org/event/1428
#TrustandIdentity #TandI #IdentityFederations #IAM #Identityandaccessmanagement
#identityandaccessmanagement #iam #identityfederations #tandi #trustandidentity #identity #trust #refeds #EduGain
Are you a #Student or #YoungProfessional interested in Trust & Identity?
The #Trust & #Identity Incubator Mentorship Programme offers a 6-month paid #Internship or #WorkPlacement for #students and young professionals interested in T&I, hosted by sponsoring #NRENs.
Apply before 25 August 👉 https://wiki.geant.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=641794561#Trust&IdentityMentoring(TIM)Programme-TIMapplicationandselectionprocess
Find out more 👉 https://connect.geant.org/2023/06/28/tim-2023-needs-you-trust-identity-incubator-mentorship-programme-is-back
#identityandaccessmanagement #iam #nrens #students #workplacement #internship #identity #trust #youngprofessional #student
A passwordless future is the dream of most end-users and cybersecurity professionals. After multiple failed attempts, Passkey might bring us there. However, human nature, laziness, and implementation errors might be issues. In my latest Forbes Article, I explore how we can make a passwordless future a success story and what stands in our way.
#cybersecurity #identityandaccessmanagement #passwordless #passkey
#cybersecurity #identityandaccessmanagement #passwordless #passkey
The secret is out! 🤫
😍 We are excited to announce that next year TNC will be in the historical city of #Rennes, France!
🗓️ #TNC24: 10-14 June 2024
📍Hosted by @renater 🇫🇷
'Til next year!
#Research #Education #Networking #NRENs #Innovation #science #Network #Europe #eInfrastructure #eduroam #security #cybersecurity #cloud #cloudservices #trustandidentity #Digital #openscience #Identityandaccessmanagement #tech #edtech #hpc
#hpc #edtech #Tech #identityandaccessmanagement #openscience #Digital #trustandidentity #cloudservices #Cloud #CyberSecurity #Security #eduroam #einfrastructure #Europe #network #Science #innovation #nrens #networking #Education #Research #tnc24 #Rennes
The secret is out! 🤫
😍 We are excited to announce that next year TNC will be in the historical city of #Rennes, France!
🗓️ #TNC24: 10-14 June 2024
📍Hosted by @renater 🇫🇷
'Til next year!
#Research #Education #Networking #NRENs #Innovation #science #Network #Europe #eInfrastructure #eduroam #security #cybersecurity #cloud #cloudservices #trustandidentity #Digital #openscience #Identityandaccessmanagement #tech #edtech #hpc
#hpc #edtech #Tech #identityandaccessmanagement #openscience #Digital #trustandidentity #cloudservices #Cloud #CyberSecurity #Security #eduroam #einfrastructure #Europe #network #Science #innovation #nrens #networking #Education #Research #tnc24 #Rennes
A new publication by @SURF explores the process of development and the findings of experiments of their Trust & Identity team with Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) Wallets for #Research & #Education.
The report is available both in English and in Dutch 👉 https://connect.geant.org/2023/05/24/surf-publication-ssi-wallets-for-research-education
#identityandaccessmanagement #iam #trustandidentity #ssi #Education #Research
🤩 It's almost time to be on the #Road2TNC...
Is #TNC23 your first TNC? How are you preparing to join us in #Tirana?
Or are you a TNC regular, getting ready for another exciting journey?
Let us know and join the conversation!
#Research #Education #Networking #science #NRENs #Albania #connectivity #security #cybersecurity #trustandidentity #identityandaccessmanagement #cloud #openscience
#openscience #Cloud #identityandaccessmanagement #trustandidentity #CyberSecurity #Security #connectivity #albania #nrens #Science #networking #Education #Research #tirana #tnc23 #road2tnc
🤩 It's almost time to be on the #Road2TNC...
Is #TNC23 your first TNC? How are you preparing to join us in #Tirana?
Or are you a TNC regular, getting ready for another exciting journey?
Let us know and join the conversation!
#Research #Education #Networking #science #NRENs #Albania #connectivity #security #cybersecurity #trustandidentity #identityandaccessmanagement #cloud #openscience
#openscience #Cloud #identityandaccessmanagement #trustandidentity #CyberSecurity #Security #connectivity #albania #nrens #Science #networking #Education #Research #tirana #tnc23 #road2tnc
ForgeRock, Secret Double Octopus offer passwordless authentication for enterprises - ForgeRock is adding Enterprise Connect Passwordless to its Identity Platform to provide n... - https://www.csoonline.com/article/3691013/forgerock-secret-double-octopus-offer-passwordless-authentication-for-enterprises.html#tk.rss_all #identityandaccessmanagement #passwords
#passwords #identityandaccessmanagement
ForgeRock, Secret Double Octopus offer passwordless authentication for enterprises
#passwords #identityandaccessmanagement
ForgeRock, Double Secret Octopus offer passwordless authentication for enterprises - ForgeRock is adding Enterprise Connect Passwordless to its Identity Platform to provide n... - https://www.csoonline.com/article/3691013/forgerock-double-secret-octopus-offer-passwordless-authentication-for-enterprises.html#tk.rss_all #identityandaccessmanagement #passwords
#passwords #identityandaccessmanagement
ForgeRock, Double Secret Octopus offer passwordless authentication for enterprises
#passwords #identityandaccessmanagement
+++ New blog post +++
Keycloak - Configuration as Code Pt.1
In the first hands-on blog post, I discuss why I recommend to use configuration as code for Keycloak and kick off the base setup of the demo project.
Enjoy reading!
#knowledgesharing #identityandaccessmanagement #keycloak #java #softwaredevelopment #developers #tutorial
#knowledgesharing #identityandaccessmanagement #keycloak #java #softwaredevelopment #developers #tutorial
🗝️💫 New #eduGAIN technical webinar
🗓️ 21 February, 10:00 CET
Join to hear about the role of the eduGAIN Operations Team (OT), its future plans and about the additional tools and features operated by the OT (eduGAIN technical website, eduGAIN validator, Database interface, URL testing, APIs and more) 👉 https://connect.geant.org/2023/02/08/edugain-technical-webinars-the-edugain-operations-team-ot-21-february-2023
#TrustAndIdentity #IAM #IdentityAndAccessManagement #Research #Education
#Education #Research #identityandaccessmanagement #iam #trustandidentity #EduGain
Follow up to the original post -- The presentation went quite well, and as a result, the #UMich #IdentityAndAccessManagement team now has several new friends from other universities to collaborate with on our various deployments of #Internet2 #Grouper over the next several months!
#umich #identityandaccessmanagement #internet2 #grouper