Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1446 followers · 103187 posts · Server

@yacc143 @davidhaller @Nonya_Bidniss @BNetzA @bsi

There's a reason why "online identification" is being done by dedicaded and certified providers and even those don't archive said records beyond the successful verification process, as it's trivial to commit with said data.


Last updated 1 year ago

BC Info Bot · @bcinfo
345 followers · 22724 posts · Server
IT News · @itnewsbot
3082 followers · 256013 posts · Server

Intelligent Identity Proofing Can Help Government Agencies Go Digital - While the implications of AI-driven solutions can be complicated, certain opportun... - -code

#low #readwrite #government #identityfraud #documentprocessing #identityverification #intelligentautomation

Last updated 2 years ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1387 followers · 14855 posts · Server

"The cases that have come to the attention of the media & have therefore become sort of nationally known are only the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of people who are … an and I would say most of them, a lot of them are ” Teillet said. “According to professor Darryl Leroux, we’re talking over 100,000 people.”

#claiming #indigenous #identity #illegitimate #fraud #nativemastodon #pretendian #falseclaims #misappropriation #nativecanada #identityfraud #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

BC Info Bot · @bcinfo
339 followers · 20925 posts · Server
PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1295 followers · 12195 posts · Server

The of a has & is taking a after that she to be , in the latest case of apparent .

Vianne Timmons, who is president of of , said that she would be taking a six-week leave after the  published a report last week questioning her claims that her father’s great-great-grandmother was .

#president #canadian #university #apologized #LeaveOfAbsence #allegations #falsely #claimed #indigenous #highprofile #cultural #identityfraud #MemorialUniversity #newfoundland #cbc #mikmaq

Last updated 2 years ago

Anil John 🇺🇸 · @aniltj
-1 followers · 502 posts · Server

FACT SHEET: President Biden’s Sweeping Pandemic Anti-Fraud Proposal: Going After Systemic Fraud, Taking on Identity Theft, Helping Victims

⟨ " Provide at least $300 million to prevent identity theft in public benefits:

To further prevent systemic identity theft and organized criminal syndicates from exploiting government benefits programs, this proposal would include funding to support the modernization of agency identity verification systems and support enhancements to lessen the impact on victims of identity theft.

As recommended by the PRAC and outlined in their recent report, this funding would facilitate improved data sharing and enhancement of “yes” / “no” attribute validation services." ⟩

More details @

The way that this will be implemented matters, and I continue to believe that match/no-match ("yes" / "no") attribute validation services SHOULD NOT be how this is implemented.

Here is why ...

#digitalidentity #identityfraud #identityvalidation #identitytheft #verifiablecredentials

Last updated 2 years ago

ITSEC News · @itsecbot
687 followers · 32461 posts · Server

While I enjoy the lack of the account bullshit on here, it certainly makes it harder to find certain profiles (esp. if they've yet to proove ownership of their websites etc.) and makes it easier for imposters. E.g. try to find the correct accounts of (countless name changes and outdated legacy profiles on different instances are NOT helping, and and tell me how long it took ya. And count the number of fake "offical" profiles.

#verified #fedilab #mastodon #iam #identitymanagement #identityfraud

Last updated 5 years ago