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Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
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Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
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Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
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PJ · @pj
10 followers · 33 posts · Server qoto.org


I see as a enterprise, therefore associated to the one plays in the system(s) they belong (or want to belong).

The issue I'm trying to point at, is that, according to (social) , your personal identity is defined by the group you belong (ethnicity, religion, nationality ...) which is wrong.

#belonging #social #role #identitytheory

Last updated 2 years ago

PJ · @pj
9 followers · 28 posts · Server qoto.org

I've always considered , much like , an 's own, personal, tacit, unique attribute, evolved through a lifetime and representing the history of all social interactions they had with their environment.

I find the modern focus on the many "identities" (father, golfer, employee, etc ...) one has during the day, wrong.

In my view, these are just external one assumes and plays in different they are part of. They may define an individual is but not they are.

In fact, I believe that it is an individual is that affect they do they do in the role they are given.

I also consider the largely accepted academic presented in the attached document as the direct cause of our present dysfunctional society marred by .


#identity #identitytheory #what #who #how #knowledge #individual #systems #social #identitypolitics #roles #theory

Last updated 2 years ago