Nando161 · @nando161
892 followers · 38435 posts · Server

"“but what about separating the from the ” buddy. listen to me. joanne kathleen is relevant for one reason and one reason only—she wrote harry potter. that’s why she’s famous. that is the bedrock of her fucking platform. jk rowling is the harry potter lady and harry potter is the jk rowling guy. this is not the same thing as listening to a song on repeat even though the keyboardist was an asshole, or reading a novel by some dude who sucked shit in the 1800s. jk rowling has a hate platform right now, today, and she sustains it off of harry potter bucks. u will forgive me if i am unwilling to advertise for her"

#Art #artist #rowling #ideological #terfs #swerfs #radfems #classwar #boycott #antiterf #antiSWERF #antiradfems #farright #rightwing #bigots #hypocrites #altright

Last updated 1 year ago

Jeremy P. Boggess · @JeremyPBoggess
5 followers · 1326 posts · Server

Divisions in long-held systems & institutions ... cross-border sympathies & movements ... International alliances not defined by national or social boundaries.

#splintering #divisions #world #ideological #political #belief #government #movement #global

Last updated 1 year ago

· @penarc
24 followers · 1953 posts · Server
Nando161 · @nando161
749 followers · 33392 posts · Server

"It may seem positive that Islam is being discussed by former detractors beyond the prisms of and , but this exchange is part of a growing trend of something more ominous that involves borrowing in both directions.

The language of the “red pill” has been translated into Arabic, and its can be found in Arabic rooms and on other .

Conversely, conservative pundits in the West are hosting voices on their and .

And while these have historically been at loggerheads, the overlaps in their values are also clear in their opposition to and the that is rife in both ."

#extremism #terrorism #ideological #incel #movement #terminology #chat #websites #male #muslim #podcasts #shows #groups #feminism #antisemitism #communities

Last updated 1 year ago

Annhattan · @annhattan
126 followers · 738 posts · Server

'It’s not just the rulings the is making. They created out of [w]hole cloth a bogus, major questions doctrine. They made a mockery of standing. They rewrite laws to fit their preferences. They have unilaterally blown up the legitimacy of the Court.” -Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute

#ideological #radical #robertscourt

Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Rand · @Drand
2018 followers · 549 posts · Server

"Understanding and combatting across 16 countries on six continents" out today in Nature Human Behavior! There have been a huge number of msinfo-related studies in the past 5 or so years, but almost all of them have been US/Western populations. So here we examined the of , and the effectiveness of various , across 16 countries (total N=34k).

We find:
➤Consistent , & predictors of misinfo belief across countries
➤Interventions (accuracy prompts, digital literacy tips, using crowdsourcing to identify misinfo) are all broadly effective across countries

Give it a read and let me know what you think!

#misinformation #psychology #interventions #cognitive #social #ideological

Last updated 1 year ago

Traveling Salesman :verified: · @def__init__e
209 followers · 5462 posts · Server

Wow. This is like a of books being awarded the Nobel Peace prize. was the publisher of Hindu fundamentalists sympathetic to assassins of Gandhi.

#press #gita #ideological #nazi #publisher

Last updated 1 year ago

Traveling Salesman :verified: · @def__init__e
211 followers · 5474 posts · Server

Wow. This is like a of books being awarded the Nobel Peace prize. was the publisher of Hindu fundamentalists sympathetic to assassins of Gandhi.

#press #gita #ideological #nazi #publisher

Last updated 1 year ago

Vincent Biret · @vincentbiret
36 followers · 204 posts · Server

While I'm tempted to say let's rail (it kind of already is), the freight operators and the network operators, it's going to be difficult to convince a part of the population for reasons. Our neighbours to the south have had some success with private ventures in , , and other places, maybe there is something to learn?

#nationalize #via #ideological #florida #texas

Last updated 1 year ago

shaky · @long_boots
18 followers · 709 posts · Server
" Innocent people because of irresponsible migration policy
migration policy can only be sold as a success if one one's to its consequences: it regularly destroys lives. A change of course fails because of ."

#migrationspolitik #die #german #closes #eyes #ideological #stubbornness #knifeattacks #germany #fail #ampel #ampeldesgrauens #illegalmigration

Last updated 2 years ago

Ben Caudron · @bencaudron
727 followers · 756 posts · Server

tnx, @Kurt for drawing attention to Reid Blackman’s guest essay on ‘ at all costs” in .

What to make of this?
"Small groups of are developing and deploying applications of their technologies for explicitly reasons, with those ideologies baked into the technologies. To use those technologies is to use a tool that comes with an or bent."

Can someone inform Blackman that rent seeking is ideological too?

#privacy #nyt #technologists #ideological #ethical #political

Last updated 2 years ago

gwfoto · @gwfoto
76 followers · 174 posts · Server

We will never change any when they are in office. They feed us lines of BS that we want to hear then do whatever their and demand. Our focus must be on that have demonstrated over time.

“It's harder than people think to get really important, meaningful shifts in . Obviously politicians . Obviously they take positions when they can,”

#politicians #corevalues #entrenched #contributors #lobbyists #candidates #ourvalues #ideological #representation #lie #opportunistically

Last updated 2 years ago

Timmy Cat · @TimmyCatChores
9 followers · 22 posts · Server

The sector of society is comprised of all the famous people who direct the thoughts of non-famous people, and the in particular.

is particularly problematic, but included in the definition is any famous people who influence the thoughts of the masses.

Do we need that structure of famous people to direct us?

Presently our para-social sector is a bunch of frauds propped-up by self-aggrandizing media who exploitatively direct the thoughts of the working-class. These are people who oversee all the persistent structural violence of the system with a big smile.


We don't need that particularly corrupt form of para-social paradigm, but we do need some structure for imparting ideas that maintain .

cultures have their elders, while in modern culture the para-social structure of famous celebrities, politicians, artists, philosophers, and scientists, etc., represents our form of elders... who we never meet in real life.

It's a disconnected connection. It's a type of leadership that precludes a physical presence.

Strangers direct our thinking in modern culture, which often seems irrational to indigenous people, because it is. We don't know who those people personally, but because they direct the ideas of the masses, we must follow as well, willingly or not.


Do we need a para-social sector? Due to the nature of modern culture being highly specialized and needing robust processes, unfortunately a modern society needs some form of para-social sector. Even in an ideal workers-controlled world there would be need to convey to the masses.

Presently our para-social sector equates to coercion of the masses, but that is not inevitable.

In the same way we learn to differentiate between reality and imagination , we can and must learn to differentiate between the para-social and the personal.

We have a limit to how many personal relationships we can remember. say that number is about 150. ...... OK.... If I can only remember 150 relationships, I want them to be real people, not people I will never know.

If you have a or someone you don't really know influencing your perceptions of the world, replace them with real people.

your from

#parasocial #workingclass #celebrity #culture #capitalist #unity #indigenous #democratic #ideological #information #psychological #anthropologists #kanye #postcolonialism #postcolonialist #classwar #politics #Antropology #psychology #sociology #philosophy #free #mind #mental #slavery

Last updated 2 years ago

Hambledown_Road · @hambledown_road
65 followers · 179 posts · Server

In an essay titled “The Crisis Of Man” writes “What counts is no longer respecting or sparing a mother’s suffering; what counts is securing the victory of a doctrine”.

Camus *could* be speaking to the overturning of vs Wade by the Supreme Court in the or the feverish over gender/sex where the very notion of woman is under attack in a bizarre bloodsport.

Are we seeing a renewed crisis of man?

#albertcamus #roe #unitedstates #culturewar #ideological

Last updated 2 years ago

KyMinSays · @kyminsays
34 followers · 71 posts · Server
Deli Andor · @andordeli
0 followers · 43 posts · Server

Why bother with the procedure if one can solve everything with a simple resolution of the @europarl_en - This is the so typical for the liberal left - they want to freeze all for although HUN full-filled all criteria


#conditionality #ideological #opiniocracy #Funds #hungary

Last updated 2 years ago

Critical Canuck · @criticalcanadians
39 followers · 61 posts · Server

Give me a to connect with all like-minded . Let's create a space we can share and defeat the meme of infighting.

Because *it is* a meme. And it serves an purpose. The purpose is to keep us isolated and unable to coordinate with each other. We have to mainstream our ideas to raise consciousness.

People know there are problems with the system and that it isn't working for them. We need to do the work to create a real alternative.

#class #ideological #comrades #leftist #boost

Last updated 2 years ago

1/ ?? Reflection presented this week:

Fisher has stated elsewhere that Capitalist Realism is not easy to define but is easy to identify. Fisher's argument is that, while a majority of people believe that is bad, they believe it is also an inevitability. In reference to Zizek’s observation that anticapitalism is disseminated within capitalism - i.e. the “evil corporation captured in film plots - Fisher states, “Far from undermining capitalist realism, this gestural anti-capitalism actually reinforces it.” This is an effect of politics: that capitalism is the “modern” way of doing things and we must take part in it, even if we recognize it as an oppressive system. Thanks to the neoliberalist narrative, any vision of a system other than a capitalist one is considered an fantasy and is quickly swept aside.

#ideological #neoliberalist #capitalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Salum · @Salum
12 followers · 460 posts · Server
Salum · @Salum
97 followers · 710 posts · Server