I will support the right of anyone to strike against perpetually declining working conditions and pay. One has only to look at the appalling state of UK army housing to understand what bans on striking can lead to. #NationalStrike #GTTO We must bring this government down. #IDetestTheTories
#nationalstrike #GTTO #idetestthetories
The government's reluctance to step in, either to resolve the nurses' strike or to relieve the unsustainable pressure under which the NHS now operates, lays bare its determination to destroy the service once and for all. What other reason can there be for watching patients die in corridors, or for not addressing the continuing threat of new strains of Covid? Human lives are taking second place to Conservative ideology. #IDetestTheTories
@JackTheCat if you qualify for a free bus pass you could always use the buses for a heat or wonder round a nearby shopping centre
Why are we even saying this. #IDetestTheTories Time to get out #ScorrishIndependence is what’s needed
#scorrishindependence #idetestthetories
RT @almannysbunnet@twitter.com
@HTScotPol@twitter.com And do what exactly? She’s not exactly alone in her views on this shower. A sizeable chunk of their own Tory MPs detest these Tories. Selective ‘indignant outrage’ is fooling nobody. #idetestthetories
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/almannysbunnet/status/1579479949056307202
RT @catbenimble2: Schools minister accused of MPs’ code breach over £7,200 donation
#ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #idetestthetories
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/catherinerowett/status/1579586389456609281
#ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #idetestthetories
RT @Moondogg_Scot@twitter.com
#DetestToryValues #idetestthetories
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Moondogg_Scot/status/1579577645930778626
#idetestthetories #DetestToryValues
RT @Nurseborisbash@twitter.com
Hi folks, thank you all for your lovely get well wishes. Totally blown away by all your love and kindness❤️
I'm still pretty grim so I won't be back yet. I don't want to end up going all Dorries and tweeting gibberish 😉
I'm being well looked after
Back soon🤞🏻 #idetestthetories
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Nurseborisbash/status/1579413365331750912