Je mi až s údivem, kolik lidí dnes dokáže plynule hovořit o svém přesvědčení, jak jsou nevakcinováni nejen proti Covidu, tak i proti všemu ostatnímu. Do nich se prý od malička nepíchalo. Ty jejich agresivní výpady, když jim člověk připomene realitu očkovacích průkazů vedou jen k dalšímu popírání. Co nás tedy čeká #idiocracy nebo #pandemie tetanu? 😅
The #Idiocracy that is the #MAGA cult is reaching new levels of inanity every week. Instead of debating other presidential candidates in the #RepublicanParty , #DonaldTheDeplorable wants to debate #PrinceHarry and #MeghanMarkle because “they treated #QueenElizabeth with great disrespect”! Unlike #DapperDon #Trump , the #HamberderKing ! 😂 ⬇️
#JoeBiden nailed it; the Trumpified #GOP is a “#ClownCarousel “! 🤡🎪
#idiocracy #MAGA #republicanparty #donaldthedeplorable #princeharry #meghanmarkle #queenelizabeth #dapperdon #trump #hamberderking #JoeBiden #gop #clowncarousel
I keep thinking of this bit from #Idiocracy as people keep adding “#ArtificialIntelligence” to stuff:
“#ChatGPT has what minds crave! It has #LanguageModels!”
#idiocracy #artificialintelligence #chatgpt #languagemodels #ai #llm #openai #bing #bard
Tommy ‘the Goober’ Tuberville is hobbling US national security because…there are poems being read on aircraft carriers, which he finds unacceptably ‘woke’.
Apparently, he has never heard of the “Iliad”.
Or “The Charge Of The Light Brigade”, or “The Wasteland”, etc.
@DerKlimablog unser politik ist so verloren und komplett isoliert von der gesellschaft das es wie realsatire wirkt...
#idiocracy ist da wirklich nicht mehr weit.
@thatkatharine that's the world we live in, doing what's good for ourselves and our society is now seen as being, "sheep"..... #Idiocracy
@wdlindsy I’m sure an out-of-touch billionaire who has no grasp of what daily life is like for regular people is just what we need. #idiocracy
#CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
#JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Welcome to Jinwar, a women-only village in Syria that wants to smash the patriarchy [UPDATES]
#bijirojava #jinjiyanazadi #feelthebern #demexit #Humanity #MeToo #DACA #sdf #BLM #nodapl #occupy #Union #megabanks #oligarchs #idiocracy #corpmedia
Dear God, I thought we were becoming #Idiocracy, but it looks like we're becoming #Spaceballs!
#CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
#JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava “Women, Life, Freedom": The Feminist Revolution of the Kurdish YPJ - Madelyn Evans [UPDATES]
#bijirojava #jinjiyanazadi #feelthebern #demexit #Humanity #MeToo #DACA #sdf #BLM #nodapl #occupy #Union #megabanks #oligarchs #idiocracy #corpmedia
#CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
#JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava “Women, Life, Freedom": The Feminist Revolution of the Kurdish YPJ - Madelyn Evans [UPDATES]
#bijirojava #jinjiyanazadi #feelthebern #demexit #Humanity #MeToo #DACA #sdf #BLM #nodapl #occupy #Union #megabanks #oligarchs #idiocracy #corpmedia
Zuckerberg annule son combat contre Musk en prétendant que Musk manque de sérieux et refuse de choisir une date. Musk affirme de son côté que Zuckerberg est une "poule mouillée"
Fun fact :
la TARTE est la réponse moyen âgeuse des vendeurs de rue à la question : comment résoudre le problème des couverts jetables pour servir de la nourriture de rue ?
Et bé le crétin, tu fais ton assiette avec de l'eau et de la farine et tu sers la nourriture dedans.
2023 : les tartes sont vendues dans des emballages jetables. #Trolololololol
Is #TMZ on the Fediverse somewhere? It would be fun to point out how terrible they are.
It isn't too far ahead that some farmer will switch water for Gatorade for their crops because chatGpt told them electrolytes are superior.
This comment was inspired by this article of schools banning books suggested by chatGpt rather than having read them.
#idiocracy #chatgpt #book #ban
new DevLog up on
"Will Do 1-2 Vids More. Then Abandon Dev if No Uptick in Support"
#games #indiegame #indiegames #indiedevs #indiegamedev #solodevs #retrogames #edugame #roguelike #roguelikes #roguelikedev #roguelikegames #tui #curses #aaciiart #terminals #realtime #scifi #postapoc #dystopia #wasteland #fallout #idiocracy #hhgg #hhgttg #hgtg #princessbride #climate #ecosystems #pollution #democracy #propaganda #brainwashing #cults