I lived in many places across two continents while growing up and also as an adult, so I have some words from New England ("wicked"), some words from the UK ("bloody"), some words & phrases from the Gulf Coast ("where y'at?"), some accent & phrases from Baltimore ("down'y ocean, hon"). It confuses the hecc out of dang near everyone.
A thing not found in my speech but that I have an ear for: Quebecois/New Brunswick French and its cousin Cajun.
Came across this chapter on by Tim Grant - I loved the sophisticated theoretical discussion about the idea of idiolect and cognitive & stylistic frameworks!
Also, can I just say “4n6” is genius 😁 not going to spell the word any other way from now on
#forensiclinguistics #forensics #FL #stylistics #idiolect #LingoDon #linguistics
#forensiclinguistics #forensics #fl #stylistics #idiolect #lingodon #linguistics
As you may know, your idiolect is your individual speech pattern / choice of words. It particularly includes any unusual or unique words or phrases you favor.
Today, from Bob's Idiolect:
Spongebob, verb: In lieu of a nice long shower, to perform, while standing up, a fast wash 'n' dry of one's sweatier bits. "We can leave in 10 minutes — just let me spongebob a bit."
#Words #Language #Idiolect #TicsAndQuirks #TooMuchInformation
#words #language #idiolect #ticsandquirks #toomuchinformation
Shariki (npl) - combined with a gesture to the head, meaning the gears are still in working order up there. Used if I've managed to dredge up any particularly obscure knowledge or know-how. From Russian шарики, meaning "balls" as in ball-bearings. I think this came second hand from a comedy act I haven't seen, but it has wedged into my #idiolect or indeed #familect
microgenius (n) - small elements of cleverness that might not be world changing, but they only seem obvious in hindsight and someone had to think them up
Golf balls hanging in garages to let you know when to stop reversing
Using a paperclip to link the two straps of a face mask behind your head so they don't chafe your ears
The perfect pun, dropped right on time with the only group of people or time it would make sense
"backwards and in heels" — describing the extra work and skill required to do something when also on the wrong side of a power imbalance
It's a good antidote to "why don't they just?"
Originally from the quote on Ginger Rogers versus Fred Astaire (they were dancing): "Sure he was great, but don't forget that Ginger Rogers did everything he did, ...backwards and in high heels"
Koalas - A fear that an upcoming event will have unspoken rules everyone but you knows, for instance that everyone else will appear at the event with a koala bear #idiolect
Koalas - A fear that an upcoming event will have unspoken rules everyone but you knows, for instance that everyone else will appear at the event with a koala bear #idiolect
Facebook Effect - the feeling of dismay from comparing your life to the sanitized, curated life other people present. #idiolect
Facebook Effect - the feeling of dismay from comparing your life to the sanitized, curated life other people present. #idiolect
"We've too many" spotted in #Avengers c1965, as opposed to "we have too many". This might just be part of #StanLee's #idiolect. The former has never been more common in American #literature (https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=we+have+too+many%2Cwe%27ve+too+many&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=28&smoothing=3), which could be a prescriptive aversion to contractions, but it also shows far fewer results in a Google search.
#Marvel #comics #linguistics #languagevariation #languagechange #morphology #syntax
#avengers #stanlee #idiolect #literature #marvel #comics #linguistics #languagevariation #languagechange #Morphology #syntax
Een Braziliaanse, die het Nederlands heel verdienstelijk beheerst, hanteert daarbij een boeiend #idiolect.
Ze zegt: Wil je mijn telefoon pakken? Die staat in mijn jas.
Het #Portugees kent twee werkwoorden die wij als "zijn" vertalen:
- ser, dat betrekt op het wezen van iets of iemand, en
- estar, dat wat zegt over de (voorbijgaande) staat waarin dat iets of iemand zich bevindt.
Zo kan ik bijvoorbeeld zeggen:
Sou holandês: ik ben
Estou na cama: ik ben in bed.