I am convinced that tailgating aka bumper humping is also vehicular bullying and some form of endangerment. (Don’t say wreck-less… you dark humor people 😉) #badjokes #cantdrive #roadrage #idiotdrivers #bawk
#badjokes #cantdrive #roadrage #idiotdrivers #bawk
Splendid bit of overtaking this morning. Not.
Was in a 40mph zone too….
#dashcam #idiotdrivers #driving #speeding
Just got to let this out.
Got sideswiped by some idiot with a trailer. Some people really shouldn't be on the road. I say the person was malicious but one of the people stopping to help said he had been serving across the road for quite a while.
Lucky that all I have from it is some some cuts and scrapes. Could have been a lot worse.
#sideswiped #biking #idiotdrivers #bikingaccidents