S_FangX · @Star_VoidY
29 followers · 1069 posts · Server hostux.social

GIORNO 2 - Gioco a cui stai giocando
In realtà ci sono diversi giochi che mi impegnano nel tempo libero (talvolta andando oltre a quel tempo), Perlopiù sono giochi online come , , e ora .
Avrei una lista sempre crescente di titoli da provare, ma gli online sono peggio delle succubi, quindi no fate come me e tenetevi solo un titolo o nessuno online.

#31daysofvidya #GenshinImpact #toukenranbu #ffrecordkeeper #idleon

Last updated 1 year ago

owls, but thankful 🦃 · @owls
76 followers · 1601 posts · Server mastodon.yshi.org

I was really into for a couple months.

It was nice because I could choose to engage with it when I had a moment.

I ended up dropping it because I progressed to World 3 and it became extremely demanding.

There were daily tasks, and if you didn't do them you'd lose out on progression. They weren't that quick to do either!


Last updated 2 years ago