#IDMaston @medrxivpreprint
Symptom experience before vs. after confirmed #SarsCoV2 infection:
Individuals reporting baseline symptoms had longer #PostCovid symptom duration (from 10 to 15 days) with baseline fatigue nearly doubling duration. Two-thirds (910 of 1350 [67.4%]) of individuals with long illness were asymptomatic beforehand.
#idmaston #SarsCoV2 #PostCovid
#IDMaston #COVID19 @WHO @mvankerkhove #Arcturus ? XBB.1.16 Initial Risk Assessment, 17 April 2023 . The global risk assessment for XBB.1.16 is low vs XBB.1.5 and the other currently circulating variants, at this current time
#IDMaston #CellBiology #immunology @PLOS @biorxivpreprint unertanding the occurrence of cytokine storm caused by #SARSCoV2 infection
#SarsCoV2 ORF8 a secretory protein thatโs associated with cytokine release & Unconventional secretion of unglycosylated ORF8 is critical for the cytokine storm during #SARSCoV2 infection
๐ https://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.1011128
๐ https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.03.471057v2.full.pdf
#idmaston #CellBiology #immunology #SarsCoV2
#IDMaston #PedsICU Interesting concept an original sources of #Immundebt or #Immunigap - Immune debt: Recrudescence of disease and confirmation of a contested concept
๐ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666991922002767
๐ https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/infectious-diseases-now/vol/53/issue/2
#idmaston #PedsICU #immundebt #immunigap
#IDMaston #microbiology @DrNeilStone @BBCBreaking
โI spoke to @JamesTGallagher of the BBC about the imminent threat to global health posed by fungiโ
#IDmaston #Immunology whatโs new research in 2023 for omicron subvariant XBB On the Evolutionary Trajectory of #SARSCoV2: Host Immunity as a Driver of Adaptation in RNA Viruses ?
๐ https://mdpi-res.com/d_attachment/viruses/viruses-15-00070/article_deploy/viruses-15-00070.pdf?version=1672063279
๐ https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/raj.rajnarayanan/viz/SARSCoV2Lineages-NextCladePANGO-China/Dashboard1
#idmaston #immunology #SarsCoV2