I couldn't agree more! It's not that #Idontlike Douglas #Hofstadter's Gödel Escher Bach: there are some brilliant ideas in it. But I don't get all the fuzz around this book. It aims very high: showing recursion as an unifying pattern of maths, #CognitiveScience and art, in a recursive manner... But the result is quite verbose, with a lot of hand-waving. Honestly, I prefer a book like "Metamagical themas", where Hofstadter shares his reflections on these topics without trying to add stylistic effects.
https://mastodon.social/users/alatitude77/statuses/100322535956471172 @alatitude77 #bookstodon #GödelEscherBach
#GödelEscherBach #hofstadter #cognitivescience #bookstodon #idontlike
I couldn't agree more! It's not that #Idontlike Douglas #Hofstadter's Gödel Escher Bach: there are some brilliant ideas in it. But I don't get all the fuzz around this book. It aims very high: showing recursion as an unifying pattern of maths, #CognitiveScience and art, in a recursive manner... But the result is quite verbose, with a lot of hand-waving. Honestly, I prefer a book like "Metamagical themas", where Hofstadter shares his reflections on these topics without trying to add stylistic effects.
https://mastodon.social/users/alatitude77/statuses/100322535956471172 #bookstodon #GödelEscherBach
#idontlike #cognitivescience #bookstodon #hofstadter #GödelEscherBach
I couldn't agree more! It's not that #Idontlike Douglas #Hofstadter's Godel Escher Bach: there are some brilliant ideas in it. But I don't get all the fuzz around this book. It aims very high: showing recursion as an unifying pattern of maths, cognitive science and art, in a recursive manner... But the result is quite verbose, with a lot of hand-waving. Honesty I prefer a book like "Metamagical themas", where Hofstadter shares his reflections on these topics without trying to add stylistic effects.
The feeling ...
when you are deploying to live and nobody else cares. #idontlike
Was ich nicht mag: Milch, lautes Schmatzen, Kugelschreiberklicken, Duftbäume, Nespresso, Esoterik, Diktatoren, altes Öl, Opportunismus, Ignoranz, Martin Walser, den Geruch von Eisen und Monologe. #neuhier #introduction #idontlike
#neuhier #introduction #idontlike