Léo Varnet · @leovarnet
642 followers · 463 posts · Server qoto.org

I couldn't agree more! It's not that Douglas 's Gödel Escher Bach: there are some brilliant ideas in it. But I don't get all the fuzz around this book. It aims very high: showing recursion as an unifying pattern of maths, and art, in a recursive manner... But the result is quite verbose, with a lot of hand-waving. Honestly, I prefer a book like "Metamagical themas", where Hofstadter shares his reflections on these topics without trying to add stylistic effects.
mastodon.social/users/alatitud @alatitude77

#GödelEscherBach #hofstadter #cognitivescience #bookstodon #idontlike

Last updated 1 year ago

Léo Varnet · @leovarnet
641 followers · 463 posts · Server qoto.org

I couldn't agree more! It's not that Douglas 's Gödel Escher Bach: there are some brilliant ideas in it. But I don't get all the fuzz around this book. It aims very high: showing recursion as an unifying pattern of maths, and art, in a recursive manner... But the result is quite verbose, with a lot of hand-waving. Honestly, I prefer a book like "Metamagical themas", where Hofstadter shares his reflections on these topics without trying to add stylistic effects.

#idontlike #cognitivescience #bookstodon #hofstadter #GödelEscherBach

Last updated 1 year ago

Léo Varnet · @leovarnet
641 followers · 463 posts · Server qoto.org

I couldn't agree more! It's not that Douglas 's Godel Escher Bach: there are some brilliant ideas in it. But I don't get all the fuzz around this book. It aims very high: showing recursion as an unifying pattern of maths, cognitive science and art, in a recursive manner... But the result is quite verbose, with a lot of hand-waving. Honesty I prefer a book like "Metamagical themas", where Hofstadter shares his reflections on these topics without trying to add stylistic effects.

#idontlike #hofstadter

Last updated 1 year ago

.mabe · @_mabe
51 followers · 307 posts · Server mabe.space

The feeling ...
when you are deploying to live and nobody else cares.


Last updated 2 years ago

Deborah Neininger · @monkeydoodling
52 followers · 50 posts · Server swiss-talk.net

Was ich nicht mag: Milch, lautes Schmatzen, Kugelschreiberklicken, Duftbäume, Nespresso, Esoterik, Diktatoren, altes Öl, Opportunismus, Ignoranz, Martin Walser, den Geruch von Eisen und Monologe.

#neuhier #introduction #idontlike

Last updated 2 years ago