Yesterday an envelope arrived allegedly from UPS. The name it was addressed to sounded like a porn business. Starcrozxed studios. My landlady used to have a business, but not that name. Inside there was a bill for stamps dot com. Um, so many fiahy things, where to start…#fakebill #scama #nottodayisis #idontthinkso
#fakebill #scama #nottodayisis #idontthinkso
What we doin? The big #dog thinks she gets to share the bed all night. #IDontThinkSo
Clickbait Alert! Clickbait Alert!
#dredd #clickbait #idontthinkso
#idontthinkso #clickbait #dredd
Die gegnerischen Parteien mustern sich stumm, aber kritisch.
Wird es heute zu einem sportlichen Grossereignis kommen?
Wer wird das nervenaufreibende Duell gewinnen?
#samstag #Sport #idontthinkso #spocht